Sexiest lad of all time. You will not be sexually satisfied with anyone else.
Shrek. I love you
Shrek is love. Shrek is life.
Used to substitute vulgar language, typically used by a Shrek fan.
the sexiest motherfucker alive
Bob: Shrek is sexy as fuck
Bob 2: I know
Paintings ones self green then laying there body on top of another
Will you shrek me jimmy just one time before you go.
very sexy. our lord. our life. Shrek is love, Shrek is life.
The Shrek Commandments:
I ~ Thou shalt order extra onions. I I ~ Thou shalt be a Ogre/Ogress for eternity. I I I ~ Thou shalt not disrespect holiness’s Swamp. I V ~ Thou shalt not ask the Almighty Shrek to "do the roar". V ~ Thou shalt not praise Farquads, Wreck-it Ralphs, or Fairy God Mothers. V I ~ Thou shalt not say that Pixar is better than Dream works ~ Thou shalt not speak Thy Lord's name in vain. V I I~ Thou shalt not disrespect Fiona or the Children of Shrek. X ~ Thou shalt accept the Almighty Shrek as The Lord & Savior. XI ~ Thou shalt not be mad n' jelly bro.
Shrek. Our life, lord and savior. Mayest though be willing to join us to find onions and enlightenment? Thy Shrek of Shekington, please, forgive me for my past sins, such as uttering the words "do the roar", disrespecting holiness's Swamp, etc., I greatly grieve those disgusting decisions, and I hope that thou's kindness shall extend to a poor one such as I. 100/10 religion i pray that you shall forgive me, and i thank thee for being thy's lord