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throw some waves on it

Verb- use of a microwave to prepare food. A microwave oven causes water molecules in the food to vibrate, producing heat, which is distributed through the food by induction. Akin to microwaving, microblasting, nuking, heating up, reheating…etc.

Mikey- "Hey mom I’m going to eat some of this easy-mac."
Mom- "Make sure you throw some waves on it for a good two minutes mmmkay."

Jeff- "What did you bring for lunch? Alls I got is this turkey sandy."
Russ- "I've got some leftover casserole which might be pretty dece once I throw some waves on it"

by StevenRecker February 11, 2008

18πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

throw that ass back

When you're fucking your girl from behind and you hit it so hard her ass jiggles

Bro i had to make her throw that ass back during sex last night.

by Jello_90 February 28, 2017

47πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

shaq free throw

Any time you miss a free throw, it is called a Shaq Free Throw. Not to be confused with the Ben Wallace free throw.

Shaq Free Throws will probably become obsolete sometime in 2007, when Shaq has perfected his shooting percentage. Oh well, there's always the Ben Wallace free throw.

by D-Miles August 20, 2006

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Throw rocks at trains

Throwing rocks at trains is an acceptable alternative to engaging in mainstream activities on any given holiday due to your inability to properly participate for any reason. This is taken from Charlie and Mac's tradition in It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia of throwing rocks at trains on Christmas.

I just found out my mom would sell herself to buy x-mas presents for me. Screw xmas, I'm going to go throw rocks at trains.

guy one: It's valentines day and we both are alone.. again. man this sucks.
guy two: yeah I guess we should go throw rocks at trains.. again.
fat girl: Can i come?
guys one and two: Uhhhh... no.

by lil shua February 14, 2011

53πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

throw under the bus

One is thrown under the bus when they are made the scapegoat or blamed for something that wasn't their responsibility in the first place. A coverup for your mistake.

Ruby Red, I didn't have time to do the business report, so I threw you under the bus and told the boss it was your job instead.

by Shell April 5, 2005

634πŸ‘ 191πŸ‘Ž

throw crazy shape

Slang to dance, especially to popular music

I don't have to be drunk to throw crazy shapes Liam.

by dia.b November 20, 2020

throw some fat at that

Slang saying , Willing to give something a try because you have nothing to lose in doing so .

Origin; Brandon Fl, local meat department.

Hey Trlak do you want to go out dancing? Sure I'll throw some fat at that!

by Meat an January 4, 2016