A decrepit soul with a limp so pronounced that they almost appear to sway back and forth like an old wooden wagon wheel.
Hey Joe, check out Wagon Wheel limping around again.
A penis that is 100% filling some sort of a hole tonight, most likely a woman’s.
Darren: Dude Trixette flies into the city tonight for the weekend, you know what that means...?
Spence : Locate that Smokin’ Hot Meat Wagon homie, someone is getting put to bed wet tonight!
Patty means ass cheeks and wagon is for riding. Thu meaning that a man rides the girl instead of the girl rising the man
This is not even a real dictionary but I have to go on this website and make an entry just so show that you need to use better sources. It is also a device to move full or empty rail cars across insulation plants.
Woah look at that shaggin' wagon. Glad we waste company resources on dumb stuff like persecuting employees because we got mad at them instead of actually trying to be productive.
What's a called a new expensive car when you're a male 16-25.
As a 16-25 male get a job so you can get a shaggin' wagon and literally pick up chicks and shag them, consensually of course.
A ride on a wagon for carrying passengers as a transport for a journey or an adventure.
A ride on a child's wagon.