Source Code

American Idiot

Green Day rock opera about a teen named Jimmy (who has multiple personalities), who becomes Saint Jimmy, then becomes his alter ego the Jesus of Suburbia. He loses contact with his girlfriend, Whatsername, who was once cheating on him, at the end of the opera.
This is a great rock opera, but it can be compared to the Who's rock opera Quadrophenia, about a teen mod named Jimmy who has four personalities (each based off a member of the original Who).

American Idiot is a great Green Day album.

by St. Hero July 23, 2009

14๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

Native Americans

A proud race that migrated from the North to the "New World." People whos ways of Nature and beauty were more cherished then others. Some Tribes believed that a "Native" was born with a quality under a wheel. Courage, Braviery, wisdom, Honor, medicine man. "Tun-Han-kua" -Lokota for Buffollo, was a symbol of God.
But in the 1800s Europeans, now reconized as the white man, stole land and raped my people. Put us in Rez and tried to make us like them. In old classical Films, we were saw as the "Bad Guys, Savages" When the savages were really greedy mine workers. The term "Indian" is a ignorant statement from that fag Christopher Columbus.

"The White Man Are Like Locust." - From 'Into the West'
Native Americans - True owners of American.
Idiot - So what rase are you?
Native- Im Native American.
Idiot - an Indian! cool!
Native - No, a Native American, or Native, I dont call you honkie do I?
Idiot - No duhh

by White Wind February 6, 2006

114๐Ÿ‘ 83๐Ÿ‘Ž

American culture

An oxymoron

It means it contradicts itself

by i hate townies and arsenal November 23, 2003

200๐Ÿ‘ 147๐Ÿ‘Ž

Asian American

Someone who is an American citizen who originated from Asia or has Asian heritage. These ties to Asia don't make them any less American. Sometimes broken down into smaller groups (such as East Asian American) to further specify (since Asia is a big continent).

My parents are from India, but I was born in America, so I'm Asian American

by Dadadadadaaaa July 15, 2020

11๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž

American bowl

term for a bowl that is packed with random scraps from different batches of weed just as america is packed with people from random countries

This american bowl is hitting hard!

by Crackhead December 8, 2004

7๐Ÿ‘ 2๐Ÿ‘Ž


An American who clings to a false Irish hyphenated identity in an effort to dilute his/her annoying, ignorant American one. They are known as 'Plastic Paddies'. They have never set foot on Irish soil, don't know any Irish people and call Irish (i.e. Gaeilge) 'Gaelic' e.g. ''OMG speak some gaelic!''. They believe they are Irish because their grandfather's grandmother lived next to a woman whose postman was from Dublin. Incidentally, Dublin is the only Irish city they're aware of, unless they're one of the elite few who know of ''Galloway'' (i.e. Galway, pronounced Gawl-way) or Cob - H (i.e. Cobh, pronounced cove). A real Irish person is born in Ireland and grows up there and would never compromise their identity by adding 'American' onto the latter end of their title of nationality (even if s/he moved to the U.S. and lived there indefinitely). Unless you have an Irish passport, don't call yourself Irish...even if your fifth cousin's brother-in-law's dog lived in Kerry!

Irish-American: ''I'm Irish too!''

Real Irish person: ''Really? Where are you from?''

''New York''.

by CogsKB July 26, 2011

204๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž

American Idol

The longest informercial.

American Idol trying to sell 400 albums in one week

by Vietaliano May 10, 2005

65๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž