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Because they're complete sellouts. Listen to some real music that isn't made up of the same chords, and isn't about slitting your wrists or hating your parents. Try some Opeth, In Flames, Amon Amarth, or Emperor.

Slipknot are a bunch of money hungry corporate rock whores.

by inflames666 December 9, 2003

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Someone thinks that they know the truth about vaccines however is highly retarded.
Usually a karen

Person 1: Hello I would like to talk today about the dangers of vaccines.
Person 2: Wow what a stupid anti-vaxxer.

by ghenkel October 9, 2019

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Anti-Anti-Fur Day

Anti-Anti-Fur day is on December 18th, it is a day where furries can beat up any anti fur without reason. The anti fur isn't allowed to fight back as the furry beats them up. Any furry who partakes in anti-anti-fur day cannot partake in anti-fur day (December 19th) and if an anti fur makes them partake in anti-fur day, the furry is allowed to punch them in the face and then RKO them.

Anti-fur "Broooo I'm gunna harass so many furries on anti-fur day"
Furry " he fuck you just say about me OwO, its anti-anti fur day"
Anti-fur "Oh god oh fuck "

Anti-fur "Hey its December 19th, that means I can harass a furry"
Furry "Sorry, I partook in anti-anti-fur day, you cant harass me"
Anti-fur "Sorry for the trouble, please don't punch and RKO me"
Furry "No worries lad, see you around"

by Ezoni December 20, 2020

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a person who dislikes or disagree with the weird fetish that is similar to cannibalism is called Vore (swallow victims without consuming blood)

when you telling about your opinion in front of those eaters you gonna run for your life


by jerrycan122 August 14, 2021

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1. A guy who is an asshole due to the fact he is extremley full of himself, cocky and conceited.
2. A movement to protest asshole boys.

Ladies every where lets unite to rid the world of Anti-Face.

by Chrinik September 2, 2007

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Against Babylon, against bitches, "guidos"(machoes), hustlers and (especially "Jersey") whores, against pansexualism(especially male bi- and homosexuals), against the police abusing the Gladio state terrorism surveillance state at least since PNAC's "new Pearl Harbor", against corporate slavery(e.g. private prisons), mental slavery and wage slavery, against casinocapitalism(so called "neo-liberalism"), against the historically falsified Mafia monopoly based prohibition scheme that keeps the banking cartels like HSBC banging the drug war drum by the means of lobbyism(capitalist fascism), while profiting from tax-free black market money channels. Against the Mammonist "god" state.
Against non-fatal sentences for child rapists.

Rastas are anti-babylonian by definition. A Raggamuffin or a Rudeboi is often mentally manipulated by the Babylonian Whore and her cock-sucking cocaine addicted priests.

by VectorNectar July 26, 2013

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The hate of school and academia in general

I'm going anti-schoolmetic. School sucks.

by Bob Jonesy May 27, 2007

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