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bro juice

the coolest drink a bro can drink. It consists of 1/3 vodka, 1/3 red bull and 1/3 bro sweat (or lemonade). This drink will make u the coolest bro at the party so drink responsibly. #swag #rageragerage

oh my gawdddddd i was so smashed off of bro juice last night! At least everyone thought i was cool ;)

dude what are u making for the party tonight?
-bro juice obvi to keep everyone really into the party and super cool

by abbyjennybrojuiceinventors January 19, 2012

35πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

Bro Hole

When your really hard up for a piece of ass and a good friend allows you to cum inside of him.

Sean: Man Tim is really in a bad mood.
Adam: Ya he's really hard up for a piece of ass. Maybe he could use your Bro Hole?
Sean: O.K. let me go freshen up a bit.

by Untamed Uncut March 30, 2014

560πŸ‘ 218πŸ‘Ž

damn bro

What one brotha says to another brotha whenever the second brotha does something stupid or something that is gonna get his ass whooped by his girlfriend.

"Damn bro, Gina gonna kill you when she finds out you lost the rent money"

by D. Ferrel September 26, 2003

71πŸ‘ 21πŸ‘Ž

Broing Out

verb: An assembling of men for the specific purpose of imbibing fermented or distilled grains, objectifying the opposite sex, and emoting machismo (typically involving sports related activities). (Related Articles: Bachelor Party, Poker Night, Tailgate Party)

With two bottles of whiskey, a deck of porno cards, and three flat screens with all of the games on, there is no question that me and the boys are broing out tonight.

by erikshinn August 6, 2008

87πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Step bro

As a tiktok star my self I always shout what you doin step bro

Jane: hey stepbro

Dave: hey step sis ;)
Jane: what you doing step bro

Dave: hold still
*bed shakes*

by Big panini :) March 28, 2019

86πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Bro Culture

It’s a subculture revolving around β€œbros”. Bros are men, usually college aged, that like to hang out watching/playing sports, drinking beer, throwing parties, etc. They usually tease each other, banter heavily, and make lots of dares. β€œBro Culture” is the subculture of society of β€œbros”. The culture has a lot of haters, but at the end of the day they have their bros.

Kid: β€œhey bro have ya seen the real bros of Simi Valley?”

Kid: β€œya, I don’t get the jokes, I am not that into bro culture.”

by Sloothunter42 December 6, 2018

44πŸ‘ 14πŸ‘Ž


A group of guys that haven't seen each other in awhile getting a little extra bromantic with each other.

The guys trip to Vegas turned into a total bro-union as they hadn't all seen each other in years and had been drinking steadily for 12 hours.

by HeyCoooooooory April 7, 2010

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž