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Choco Chip

Choco Chip is a name. They adore chocolate and love being around other cats and make them happy. They spread tons of happiness towards other cats and are hilarious and funny.

I love Choco Chip I want to hug her she looks so cute!

by hello hi haha April 12, 2022

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Road Chips

A humorous euphamism to refer to the unlikelyhood of highly portable chips. Road chips are a rare occurance due to the low portability factor of these crispy delicious snacks.I.e. "Sorry guys, I can't meet up, I just opened these chips."

"We're gonna get a move on, we better get some road chips."

"These road chips are perfect for our road trip."

by C.S.K. July 10, 2009

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Chip Tatum

Arms for Drugs, Contra Scandle.

Bill Clinton,Chip Tatum, Mena Arkansas.

by ErnestR April 13, 2009

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Brotato Chip

A best friend that is fat and slumpy. Derived from the term fat.

My friend Moob that weights 200 pounds in the fourth grade is my Brotato chip

by The bah April 29, 2016

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finger chips

french fries

french fries resemble fingers so finger chips is the name given to french fries as these look and cut long and thin like fingers

by Shamaila Ali Hasan October 10, 2012

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Potato Chipping

Verb: The shape a trampoline forms when you are trying to assemble it. It is extremely hard to flatten out during the assembly process, especially in the blistering Florida sun. This condition causes heavy perspiration and continuous cursing.

While assembling the trampoline on Christmas morning, we could not stop the trampoline from potato chipping. After several failed attempts to straighten it out, we decide to consume heavily.

by Orra December 21, 2012

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Bitch Chip

When someone is eating hot chips, takes a bite out of it, and give it to someone else. This is called a Bitch Chip.

"Hey Kate can i have a chip"
Kate bites chip and offers it to me.
"Na-ah girl. I dont want no Bitch Chip"

...I ate it anyway

by Guy Who Shouts Stuff October 22, 2008

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