A short vaginal massage, typically focused on the clitoris.
If you're good you'll get a clam tap.
When a female drops her vagina on a man -or- woman's face, typically in an aggressive manner.
Damn! Did she clam bomb you?
I got clam bombed last night, and she hasn't showered in two days!
Upclose, defined photos of a woman's genitalia. Generally sent within personal relations/to a significant other.
I was out last night with the boys, but my girl sent me some really great clam pics so I had to cut the night short...
When vaginas meet in sexual intercourse.
"Yeah Jessica and Victoria clam hashed so hard last night."
Also known as a Geoduck (gooey duck) the penis clam uses its long shaft of a neck to filter the salt water into clean water to deliver it to its base hidden deep below the sand
Wow did you know the shaft of the penis clam can grow up to 3 feet.
A milky looking substance that builds up around the women's vagina when aroused.
Dimitri was chowing down so furiously upon Dillons pussy that the "clam foam" was splashing everywhere, so much so that he came up for air yelling " ho ho ho" looking like Santa Claus
"So there I was with this chick, we got home from the bar and I thought something seemed fishy about the whole situation. She had the worst clam napkins like she hadn't showered in a week and was rode hard and put away wet, and stored in salt water"