The word "Dab" is a Black (hood) people texting slang. It means "Den A Bitch". We use it while we're texting not physically talking.
"Shii nun hungry 'Dab', prolly gon make me sum noodles"
"Make me sum"
"Df I look like makin u sum noodles?? u goofy 'dab' if u think I'm finna make u MY noodles dat I paid for"
"llah Damn, u could've just sed no kinfolk"
"kmsl Nahh yo ass was really dum 'dab' for sayin sum shit like dat bro"
As a noun: Marijuana concentrate made by separating trichomes from plant matter. It can take different forms depending on the method used, wax, budder, live rosin, etc. and is smoked with a rig to accommodate higher vaporizing temps than the 350 degrees (177c) flower burns.
As a verb: the act of smoking concentrated marijuana/distillate.
Hippie#1: Smoking weed burns my lungs and doesn’t do anything for me.
Hippie 2: here, try my dab rig, it’s more potent and dabbing is just vapor not smoke!
The trademark/signature gesture of douchebags and fuckboys alike (established 2016); consists of bending ones arm and leaning one's head into into it, making it look like the person is sneezing while they have the other arm sticking slightly up and straight out
Example 1:
Guy 1: "Hey what did you get on that math test?"
Guy2: "B+. What did you get?"
Guy1: "An A. *dabs*
Exqmple 2:
Guy1: "Hey how was that party on Saturday?"
Guy 2: "Awsome!"
Guy1: "Hey did you get that bj from Melissa you said you were planning on?"
Guy2: "You know it! Hell she fucking deepthroated!"
Guy1: "Sweet! I have to admit I'm kinda jealous..."
Guy2: *dabs*
The Dab is a forbidden word that has been locked away for centuries and has now been released on our generations. For it is the root of all evil and most unbearable of dance moves. You mustn’t lift thy right inner elbow to thee face and stick out thy left arm, for you will be greatly punished. In a nutshell, this is an AWFUL dance move. Don’t you dare do it.
Rebecca: did you see Sam, he just dabbed. What a nerd....
Sam: (DIES)
Retarted dance move that no lifes do while playing minecraft or roblox and jaking off to a Carls
jurnior commercial.
Stop playing dabing you retard.