Trending with the latest fashion style and always looking good in it; clean, crisp, swag
Yo gotta have these Jordans so im livin dope fresh.
Rocking that car is livin dope fresh
My chick is livin dope fresh
A snake handling technique where you use a snake hook to repeatedly pull a snake in the direction opposite to where it is trying to flee while backing up until the snake is exhausted enough to pick it up by the tail.
I saw a guy try to use the danger-rope-a-dope on a black mamba, and he almost didn't die.
When your new dealer doesn't show up with the drugs.
That new dude that said he could get us blow never showed up. What a dope choker.
A synonym for anything that is awesome. Usually used as adjective.
I agree and the music in was dope cats too!
Going"dope dutch" is similar to a Dutch date, where both parties pay for their own meal, rather than one person paying for everything. Dope Dutch means you have your dope, they have theirs.
Known Dope Chaser: "Let's hang out".
Known Dope Haver: "Sure, we can do that, but we'll be going DOPE DUTCH".
Chaser replies: "Of course, duuuh", but inside they're all "😬😕😔☹️"
A word you use to describe something nice and cool
Yo bro look at my new car
Damn that looks dope