bad ass bitch who can do whatever she wants. but when shes alone she cries by herself in the dark at 3am after bottling up her emotions at the end of the day.
person 1 :yo emma is highkey a baddie
person 2:damn doesnt she look a lil sad sometimes
person 1:yeah i bet she cries herself to sleep
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A person who BEGS for attention in the worst of ways, like pretending to have a diability or mental disorder to do so, thinks that her friends will be there forever, when in fact she will be alone forever as everyone can see through her.
Person 1:Ugh is that Emma?
Person 2:Yeah. She’s got anorexia.
Person 3:No,she hasn’t. She is faking it for attention.
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Loves Anime gets mad easily stupid ugly will beat the fuck out of you
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Emma is the most beautiful girl I’ve ever met. They mostly have brown eyes with brownish/blackish hair. Some of them are Latina’s. They are not good at all subjects but very athletic. They have amazing personalities, and if you ever get in a relationship with one you’ll never regret it. Their really kind and generous. They are loyal and extremely funny. Some can be clumsy too. She’ll stick with you no matter what what war your in. Most of them have a perfect body. And there are thicc af. They are really hot and gorgeous too and look great in bikinis. And if you ever get into a relationship with her, you may be one of the luckiest guys on the planet.
Alex- “Dude, have you seen Emma at the beach yesterday!”
Michal- “ Oh wow, that was the most beautiful sight I’ve seen in my life. But have you seen her butt, that’s why all the boys stare at her.”
Alex-“I wish I could have her.”
Michal-“ Yeah, me too…”
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A scary ass bitch who doesn’t know how to fight without her “mom” who is really her grandma 😂 who got fucked in school sucked Charlie t dick behind a pool ... sends nudes and tells people they were her supposed to be besties .. she’s fake asf .. and she thinks I’m all talk .. ITS ON SIGHT
Did u hear about Emma’s roast beef nudes;yuck!!
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Emma can be nice but she’s really just the mean girl she takes your friends for no reason she will text you and say “stay away from my boyfriend” . Sometimes she can be really nice and you think your friends and you tell her all your secrets then she stabs you in the back and tells everyone your secrets. She is so pretty though she has a nice butt and is skinny. She’s also really snobbing she will brag about anything and everything it’s so annoying.
Taylor: Emma just told everyone all of my secrets
Harry: I know she told me that you like me
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The kinda girl that will date you for a while and get old of you, dump you, tells u bs, moves on to a new guy. Worst person ever
My god that Emma girl is so petty
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