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A word that has been tortured and mutiated by disgusting and repulsive bands like Blessthefall, Drop Dead Gorgeous, And Bring Me The Horizon.

Emo does not stand for some kid that cuts himself or dresses like a fag with black straightened hair and skinny jeans.

Emo originally started out as a genre of music where bands put passion and EMOtion into their pieces of art. Wait a sec? they put what? -emo-tion, EMOTION. that is what it stands for.

Emo stands for a genre of music where lyrics and music are emotional.

Bands like,

Algernon Cadwallader
and La Dispute.

Listen to them guys, they are good jams with alot of emotion into them.

So dont kill the word emo with your adolecent scene bullshit. BMTH sucks, plain and simple. Emo kids, arent "EMO" kids, they are just kids dressing like fags.

Emo = Emotional genre of music.


Person1- Man La disputes genre of style is emo!

Person2-I listened to them and they are actually so emotional! the lyrics are powerful!


Person1 -Man I love emo bands like bmth!
Person2- I know!! Oli Sykes is so emo! its HOT!

by An Average Guy July 2, 2009

35๐Ÿ‘ 23๐Ÿ‘Ž


Yet another stupid counter-culture gone mainstream, participants appear to be descended from goths with a dash of "queer eye for the straight guy" thrown in, primarily composed of white 13-20 somethings from middle to upper class suburban backgrounds. Emo's listen to unimaginitive music and dress in tight clothing and ridiculously stupid hair styles. The cure for Emo is a stint in the army where they will get shipped off to the mountains of Afghanistan and discover that now they really do have something to feel bad about. Hopefully at this point an insurgent bullet removes their brain from its protective casing thus giving their lame friends back home something to write a crappy song about.

My life sucks, my parents are rich and buy me anything I want and our family is going to sight-see in Europe this summer, god, how lame, I think I'll comb my hair over my eyes and cut on myself a bit... How Emo

by I beat up teenagers and laugh March 13, 2009

11๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


People usually become emo when a lot of stress is in their lives. They cut themselves. The most common place they cut themselves is their wrists. It could also be anywhere else though. They find it pleasurable and they think that this physical pain will cover up their emotional pain.

Emo people usually wear black or gray clothing. Skinny jeans, eyeliner, skeletons (not always but mostly)and baggy sweaters are common for the typical emo person.

Their hair is usually black also. Side-bangs that cover most of one side of their face is very common.

An emo person tends to not talk to a lot people. They keep to themselves most of the time and are usually VERY skinny

Jamal: Did you see Jake today at school?
Mariposa: Yea. When he asked me for a piece of gum today, I saw his wrists.
Jamal: What did they look like?
Mariposa: There was blood stains and scars everywhere.
Jamal: O well that's nice *sarcastically*
Mariposa: I think he's emo.
Jamal: No duhhh

by A-LEE-NUH April 1, 2009

38๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž


Attention whores. Kids and young adults who really don't have any actual problems, and instead decide to use their creativity, or lack thereof, to craft false problems.

Emo kids are mostly seen with acoustic guitars and My Chemical Romance attire, as well as black hair that simply screams "kick me in the balls as hard as you can".

High-pitch nasally voice can often be heard uttering the words "You just don't understand", followed by the sound of slamming door, then muffled whimpering as the individual proceeds to scratch their wrist, hoping you'll take notice of their weak and futile efforts to portray suicide and/or self-mutilation.

But most notably, Emos keep records of thier so-called "problems" in diaries. These records mostly include pointless whiny rants:

"Dear Diary, those stupid jocks at school think I'm gay. Why can't they understand that heterosexual boys like me just like to kiss other heterosexual boys once in a while. They're so mean, and it depresses me... They say I'm Emo, even though I'm just misunderstood."
*sniff* *scratch*
"They just don't understand"
"And Karen dumped me today. She says I'm the perfect guy, and that I'm always there for her, just like when her Chimichangas were too cold, and she ended up cutting her wrist out of shear depression. She says it's not me, it's her. She says I'm too good for her. I love her so much... I think I'll express my undying love for her by throwing my pillows and crying... and perhaps I'll write a love song and sing it off-key..."

by 2phast July 19, 2006

639๐Ÿ‘ 583๐Ÿ‘Ž


we are just a bunch of people who are less hardcore goths we ARE NOT ALL BLUDDY GAY for gods sake stop sayin we are just cos a few of us are (i'm an emo boy and will never be queer in my life but hey who cares if someonen is it is up to them) oh and we are not whimpy people who just hang are heads when we get insulted (mainly buy the biggest fake hardmen CHAVS) i have never walked away from a fight ever.

chav:awwww gonna go cry emos
Emos:no i'lll just cry for you when i bugger you up

by EMO-Emotional(gets pissed off easy not just crying all the time!!!) August 20, 2006

328๐Ÿ‘ 290๐Ÿ‘Ž


if you dont know you know now E=eat M=me O=out.put it together it becomes eat me out

please EMO(eat me out)

by crazy7889 December 31, 2010

13๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


Another word for an attention whore and a loser.

Boy those EMOS are LOSERS!

by My Name Is Hugh...Mungus August 4, 2008

12๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž