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fake ed

An eating disorder which somebody came up with for attention, but fits into the way they want their made up disorder to sound because they don't have a real eating disorder. Similar to {wannarexia}.

Emily: Hannah, do you want to eat these peas?
Hannah: No! I have an eating disorder I can't have that... But I'll have that chocolate over there.
Gen: You have a such a fake ed, Hannah.

by Deelyliah April 14, 2016

fake mix'n

to bullshit or to play and fake around. can be a person, place, or thing

Yo' dat nigga be fake mix'n

by bigbootyJ November 5, 2007


That fold in a chick's jeans, in the crotch area, when it looks like she's got a dick.

Look at that chick sitting down-she's got a Femi-Fake

by acmesupply September 28, 2013

wrestling is fake

what those asshole friends say when you enjoy wrestling

you: *enjoying wrestling minding your own business*
asshole friend: you know that wrestling is fake right
you: *gets up and kills him* did that feel fake bitch

by caleb_yeetyman May 6, 2020

Fake Drake

a person impersonating drake

can you believe these look alikes getting famous we call them fake drake

by ovo tingz September 2, 2022

Faking the rage

When someone pretends to be neurotic or easily angered in order to garner attention. This is also a tactic used by trolls to troll other trolls.

Ghost seems like he's quick to get pissed off over everything. In reality he's just faking the rage though.

"I talked about how I faked the rage" -Ghost

by cumspewp July 24, 2021

Fake Profanity

Possibly can be shortened to FP. Words such as “shoot”, “dang”, and most notably, “heck”, “crap”, and “frick”. They are used to replace actual cuss words. They convey the same meaning, though sometimes aren’t as versatile. (For example, frick can’t mean 👉👌) Often used by children.

“Oh frick, I dropped my phone.”
Where “frick” is the Fake Profanity

by ImNotAFurryISwear March 5, 2019