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cochella flu

the sickness everyone gets after coachella because they probably inhaled WAY too much dust.

damn that cochella flu gets me every year

by riding til i can’t no more April 22, 2019

Professional Flu

When you think about becoming a professional, and act like one, when in turn you are actually making yourself look like a fool. Occurs commonly in young children learning to become the next hit of a certain occupation.

"That kid wants to be the president. He has the Professional Flu, ain't that odd?"

"I better stop getting the Professional Flu, otherwise i am going to make a fool out of myself."

by Andymius September 26, 2014

alaskan flu mist

When a male shoots his sperm up his partners nose.

Last night I have Sally an Alaskan flu mist she loved it!

by periax34 April 19, 2016

Flu Tire

A typo for "picture"; An ailed car part.

Hey guys, can you go like my flu tire on Instagram?
I need to go to the mechanic because of my flu tire.

by asajfkl June 28, 2022

friday flu

When you spouse gets sick on Friday so you have to watch the kids all weekend. Usually last two days.

I hope my wife doesn't get Friday Flu again, I want to play golf.

by Herod apyur pupir February 24, 2017

Man flu

The man flu is where a dude will feel under the weather for a few hours/half the day after sitting outside in the cold for hours while smoking half a pack of cigarettes, some weed, and drinking jack Daniels. The man flu is also having a sinus headache.........that’s it. The man flu is a serious illness that should be announced to all and taken seriously. The man flu has no actual symptoms, when confronted about the man flu it can only be described as “ feeling really sick”. There is no cure for man flu.

My husband has the man flu. He has the sniffles and has dramatically thrown himself on the couch and called out of work.

by wastecase November 28, 2019

Man Flu

A term used by women to dismiss men when they are sick. Even though there is evidence to suggest that viral infections in men may be more severe than in women.

Becky: My boyfriend doesn't want to go shopping with me because he's sick
John: That sounds reasonable
Becky: No it isn't. He's not really sick, he just has man flu and wants attention!

by Flobsmack August 21, 2023