Someone who consistently claims to have one or more sexual encounters but NEVER specifys a name or anyting.
A Ghost Fucker will always avoid giving any information of whom they had a sex with but still claims to have had sexual relations with said unknown person.
Chad: Yeah bro I totally crushed two girls the other day I had them screaming bro!
Fred: Oh really who were they?
Chad: Aw come on bro, no face no case.
Fred: Chad, don't be a ghost fucker.
Butt ghosting: To have a persons butt or butthole be haunted with a hot or burning sensation for a period of time after eating spicy food then popping.
Wow I am totally butt ghosting after eating all those wings they are still burning my ass!
Instead if liquid baby its powdered baby
So its a ghost powder
The “Ghost of Luxembourg “is a creature that has been haunting the streets of the benelux country for years. It seems that he mostly appears in international breaks to stat pad goals against the poor people of Luxembourg from the penalty spot. His identity is not yet proven, but scientists suspect that the creature is Portuguese football star “Cristiano Ronaldo”
When the people from the Country thought they were finally save, the Ghost of Luxembourg struck from the penalty spot to bring terror over the whole state once again
When you cum on an Ouija board and make someone use and they get cum on their hands.
Bro you got ghost butter all over my hands
Ghost Eagle was a large supernatural entity that haunted cabins in the West Coast of the US in the 80s and 90s. The most popular ghost eagle sightings had the spirit protecting hallways and refrigerators at night time.
Named because it took the form of a bald eagle, it stood as high as a grown man and was very imposing. Legend has it, it was summoned by the Dudley family to keep their kids in bed at night, and prevent them from midnight snacking, when they vacationed.
Although never confirmed, rumors were he disliked Asians and that coming in contact with ghost eagle caused polio.
I’m scared of ghost eagle, Miss Dudley. I’m scared of ghost eagle please stop scaring Japanese.
When you leave a room to fart but you return to soon so the fart comes back with you.
Damn, you came back with a serious ghost tail man.