Two mormons under the age of 16 who are attracted to each other but aren't "dating". Everyone knows they are a thing.
Tilly and Cora are totally mormon dating.
"I swear you just don't wanna date anyone?"
"I would date someone if I really liked them"
"Do you really like me?"
"Are you and maric offical?"
"Were intermediate dating"
All the best aspects of going on a date and hanging out. No pressure since it’s a hang out but fun and exciting from being intrigued by a new person.
I typically hangout date to avoid the awkwardness of blind dates.
Two men going on a date to explore their gayness.
When the receiver gets grabbed by the defense before he even catches the ball, he yells "interference dude. I don't want to go on a butt date with you."
Someone you meet off a dating site in the hope of getting over the one you really want to be with.
A "meet date" to distract yourself from the pain of a "shituationship" you're in that isn't going anywhere.
"I'm so tired of these aspirin dates going nowhere"
"These aspirin dates aren't enough to get me over Rick".
To describe a person or persons who are in a relationship. Boyfriend, Girlfriend, Partner
Brenda told her friend Lisa that Aaron was her dating canon and that she would stick to him.
Max told his friend Amanda that he wanted her to be his dating canon.
When a couple of people in possession of juul have sexual relations, preferably while hitting their juul's this is most intimate thing a juul owner can do.
Lisa and John went home for a little juul date. John made sure to bring his condoms and some spare pods.