the most amazing person you’ll ever meet, always nice to you and will be on your side in an argument, she can be bitchy but will always apologize. if you have a maddie in your live make sure to keep her! ily all maddies out there
omg that girl is so cute !
that’s maddie!
Maddie is the most beautiful amazing sweet girl you will ever meet! She will never forget her manners in any household. She loves her friends and family and is always active. She is amazing and never betray her because her friends always have her back.
Man did you hear jack broke up with Maddie
Yeah I heard he best friend beat him up!
This is the best human women on earth. She is truly smart sweet polite and very very very beautiful. Never betray her because her friends always have her back. She will never not use her manners no matter the household.she is also the weirdest person ever to exist. And has the most beautiful singer ever.
Hey did you hear brad broke up with stunning Maddie????
Yeah her best friend beat him up!
Maddie is an extremely beautiful girl. She has gorgeous blond hair and bright blue eyes. She is very athletic and usually plays lacrosse and soccer. She has lots of friends and a great personality. It takes a lot to get her to a party, but when she’s there, she is a party animal! But you do not want to annoy her, because when she gets in a mood you don’t want to mess with her. But overall, she is extremely intelligent and doesn’t want her friends to feel excluded.
She is usually in a family of four with a younger brother. She is extremely close with her mother and they often go to get their nails done or go to broadway shows together. The family has special shows they watch together and usually ski together too.
Maddie loves watching reality TV! But if you spoil it for her, good luck.
Often times, Maddie’s friends refer to her as a “rich bitch” and that triggers her, but it’s all fun and games!
Seriously though, if you can date Maddie or be friends with her, go for it because she is caring, generous, sassy and an all around amazing girl you would never want to lose!
Maddie will make or break your life!