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Maine Endwell Middle School

A shitty hole of hell, run by an okay principle and an absolute cunt of a vice principal. The superintendent is a fucking idiot. The food is shit. Most of the teachers are shit (aka Castro, Both, Meilunus, ect)(few are decent). Maine Endwell middle school is filled with mainly Stoners, rich douche bags, and a few semi normal kids. Maine Endwell middle school also has sports kids that get ragging irrections watching / playing anything in gym (this of course not including the BAISIC white girls and furrys that overpopulate this melting pot of fuck from the bowels of hell). So to sum it up if your looking to punish your child for committing an extremely hanus crime, send them to Maine Endwell middle school where they can stare acne covered pre pubescent fucks in the face all day whilst being yelled at by teachers.

β€œHey, do you go to Maine Endwell middle school, where that one kid ended up in the mental hospital because of the Spanish teacher?”

β€œYeah, I do, that place is a shit hole”

by Angry_student_69 April 12, 2022

20πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

4th Gen Main Visual

The one and only Park Sunghoon from ENHYPEN. He is known for being a talented person and at the same time can turn the table because of his unstoppable beauty.

Friend 1: Do you know Park Sunghoon?
Friend 2: The one who's good at figure skating?

Friend 1: Oh! Yeah and he is the 4th Gen Main Visual in Kpop

by hooniques July 24, 2021

42πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

4th gen It main vocalist

The vocalist of 4th gen kpop who can sing stable live, can pull off various styles, can hit those high notes without much difficulty and has a sweet and ethereal voice. It is a title created by MOA for Kang Taehyun a member of boy group TXT

β€œHey! Do you know who the 4th Gen It main Vocalist of 4th gen K-pop is?”

β€œIts Kang Taehyun of TOMORROW X TOGETHER right?”

β€œYeah! He has such a sweet and an ethereal voice. He also have an immense control on his vocals.”

by Life ain’t daijoubu August 1, 2020

65πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

Main Line Moms

You see them everywhere. Here are a few tis for finding them.

1. They are very loud. Others are loud too but this is another level of loud. However if you still cannot hear them, I'd recommend listening to the bragging about a child. You'll hear they key words of, brilliant, genius, kind, and "best in class". Main Line Moms are not one's to keep thought to themselves. I'd recommend not cursing in front of their children unless you want an ear full of maturity lessons.

2. You can spot them driving as well. Look for a minivan, and Landrover, or an Audi Q7.

3. The hair. Your typical Main Line Mom has a bob cut, longer on one side and buzzed on the other. Do not mistake She with He unless you wished to get yelled at
4. Main Line Moms are easy to track down. Mostly found in stores like Target, SamsClub, and Walmart.

5. These moms have 3-5 kids. Whenever you seem to want quiet the kids will yell and the mom will be on the phone

My mom hates Main Line Moms

by Tryin to help January 12, 2018

2πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

main screen turn on

A Phrase from the popular old old game named "Zero Wing" This saying is what a confused spaceship captain says in the english version because the translation was bad. This is also where "All your base are belong to us" comes from. If you are a nerd, you know this already.

When you get invaded by a Weird Creature and need to turn on your screen for some reason with voice command, this will be commical.

by Froth. October 29, 2003

3πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

maine south high school

Where you are asked the question at least 5 times a day "can i hit your j?"

Johnny: "Yo can I hit your J?"
Mark: "I don't have it."
Mark: Its maine south high school dude

by jenwar November 14, 2017

17πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Main line class of 2016

This grade if by far they most messed up class i have ever seen. All of the girls are whores or act like whore. Most of the boys will grab the girls tits and ass without even knowing them. The schools include. Radnor, Welsh vally, Haverford, Baldwin, Episcopal, Ais. All of these schools have sort of come togeather in this one grade to become some super orgy sex party all the time. From blow jobs to drugs and sexting scandals and the boys being OBSESSED with lacrosse. Belive me I am in this grade I know what goes on.

At At the dance. Boy walks up to girl grind on her he hooks up with her them after the dance she sucks his dick.
Typical in the Main line class of 2016

by 50%real April 15, 2011

102πŸ‘ 36πŸ‘Ž