When you and another person come up to a path (like an intersection, a doorway, or a narrow hallway) where only one person can go, and you politely tell them to “go ahead” and they say “no, no, you go ahead” and then you both wait, and then go at the same time thinking that the other person will not concede, and you repeat this at least one more time.
Two drivers pull up to opposite sides of a 4-way stop at the same time. One is turning left, the other is going straight. The person going straight signals to left turn person to “go ahead”, while at the same time, the person turning left signals to the person going straight to “go ahead”. They signal back and forth and then wait, and eventually concede at the same time. They laugh and repeat the polite shuffle at least once more.
a) (adj): the exact opposite of what is considered 'politically correct' in one's zeitgeist.
b) what the modern mediacratic society doesn't want you to become, so can it better manipulate you through the media and through meaningless commercials, by screaming to you "kisch mein royal tuchess ( translated to English as 'kiss my royal behind',קוש מיין רויאַל טאָכעס in it's original Yiddish)
c) a type of slang language, a sort of unintelligible double-speak to people who are politically correct, used among politically conscious individuals to say, in public, exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say, politically speaking.
politically incorrect individuals, compared to the rest of the ignorant masses, are politically conscious simply because know by heart, and understand the essence of, Rene Descarte's Latin phrase cogito ergo sum
a) (adj): the exact opposite of what is considered 'politically correct' in one's zeitgeist.
b) what the modern mediacratic society doesn't want you to become, so can it better manipulate you through the media and through meaningless commercials, by screaming to you "kisch mein royal tuchess (translated to English as 'kiss my royal behind',קוש מיין רויאַל טאָכעס in it's original Yiddish)
c) a type of slang language, a sort of unintelligible double-speak to people who are politically correct, used among politically conscious individuals to say, in public, exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say, politically speaking.
politically incorrect individuals, compared to the rest of the ignorant masses, are politically conscious simply because they know by heart, and understand the essence of, Rene Descarte's Latin phrase cogito ergo sum.
a) the exact opposite of what is considered 'politically correct' in one's zeitgeist.
b) what the modern medioacratic society doesn't want you to become, so can it better manipulate you through the media, through meaningless commercials, by screaming to you kiss Don Corleone's ring or die
c) a type of slang language, a sort of unintelligible double-speak used among politically conscious individuals to say, in public, exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say, politically speaking, and at the same time avoid George Orwell's Big Brother
politically incorrect individuals are politically conscious simply because they understand the essence of Rene Descarte's Latin phrase cogito ergo sum and are not afraid to be a white crow
a) the exact opposite of what is considered 'politically correct' in one's zeitgeist.
b) what the modern medioacratic society doesn't want you to become, so can it better manipulate you through the media, through meaningless commercials, by screaming to you kiss Don Corleone's ring or die
c) a type of slang language, a sort of unintelligible double-speak used among politically conscious individuals to say, in public, exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say, politically speaking, and at the same time avoid George Orwell's Big Brother
politically incorrect individuals are politically conscious simply because they understand the essence of Rene Descarte's Latin phrase cogito ergo sum and are not afraid to be a white crow
politically incorrect individuals are politically conscious simply because they understand the essence of Rene Descarte's Latin phrase cogito ergo sum and are not afraid to be a white crow
a) the exact opposite of what is considered 'politically correct' in one's zeitgeist.
b) what the modern medioacratic society doesn't want you to become, so can it better manipulate you through the media and through meaningless commercials, by screaming to you kiss Don Corleone's ring or die
c) a type of slang language, a sort of unintelligible double-speak to people who are politically correct, used among politically conscious individuals to say, in public, exactly what they mean and mean exactly what they say, politically speaking.
politically incorrect individuals, are politically conscious simply because they a) understand the essence of, Rene Descarte's Latin phrase cogito ergo sum and b) they are not afraid to be a white crow
Politicians are a distraction from real people celebrities. People who care more about us then politicians
Fox News commenters: who cares?🤡 this is a distraction from real news! Nobody cares about the Hollyweird elite from p3dowood🤮. Gigachads: you sure care about your political elite