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Armpit Potatoes

Boobs completely lacking cleavage, that tend to gravitate toward one's armpits even when corralled by a bra.

I'd love to wear that low-cut top, but why bother when you've got no cleavage, just armpit potatoes.

by MsAbigail July 17, 2010

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Potato Treatment

The treatment, often employed by an extremely beta individual used through online messaging which includes constantly ignoring the target, repeatedly responding with generic replies, going AFK randomly for hours at a time and randomly leaving mid-conversation. People who apply this treatment often contain traits such as acting emo or dis-attached, being lazy, having no motivation, sleeping all day and as stated before, being extremely beta.

"Hey, that extremely beta guy is giving me the potato treatment again.."

by MegaToast July 1, 2015

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Potato Masher

Version of term "Grenade" made famous by the cast of Jersey Shore referring to ugly girls. Potato masher is what the allies nicknamed the German grenades in WWII and also refers to the ugliest, fattest and most nasty chicks one encounters.

This party is full of potato mashers, lets get the fuck out.

by JerseyJoe6262 September 23, 2010

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nato potato

a very nice, flirty waiter at AppleBees

He was such a, -giggle-, nato potato.

by herdi March 26, 2008

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potato voice

(verb- to have a): to be able to sing for shit, i.e to be able only to sing an acrapella

if you have a potato voice, not even a musical education at La Scalla in Milan, Italy, won't help you, and you shouldn't consider singing as you vocation.

by Sexydimma November 17, 2013

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Hot Potato

The roach of a blunt or joint. It's called a hot potato because it gets hotter with each pass.

Yo dude, I'm gonna roll a new joint. That hot potato keeps burning me.

by Lost and forgotten October 8, 2016

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Potato Sacker

The opposite of a butterface or a girl you would put a paper bag over the face of before intercourse. Potato sacking is necessary with girls who have nice face but less then desirable bodies that need to be covered before oral sex, because head is head.

damn i thought that girl was fine until she stepped out from behind the counter.... definately a potato sacker!

by shotgun facelift September 28, 2009

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