When your buddy slaps you in the face with his soggy balls.
Shit man yesterday Sam just Soggy Slapped me and left a ball imprint on my left cheek
Another word for pussy.
Man I really shucked that girls soggy clam! *wink* *wink*
Ant:who are soggy biscuit fc
Callum: a shit overrated team
When you creampie a girl and then sit on her to push it all out.
Bro me and my girl were going at it right? Then she asks for the soggy whoopie cushion. Long story short it was a lot of cleanup.
when you have sex and just before cumming laying flat on your back so you cum all over yourself and someone eats after it starts to harden and crust up but not entirely crusty so still soggy.
last night katie gave me a soggy nacho after i came
The act of getting your face soaked from performing cunilingus on a really hairy girl and making her squirt.
Person 1- I got a plate of soggy nachos last night.
Person 2- What's that?
Person 1 - Well it's when you go down on her but shes hairy and she juices all over your face!
Person 2- Mmmmm I want Soggy Nachos!
A banana that has been sat within one’s anal cavity for so long that it is has become partially liquid.
You smell worse than the soggy nanner I got cookin right now!