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America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

An urbdic user who hates white people.

America Lover πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ has alot of racist definitions towards white people.

by Eddie the Head June 8, 2022

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peanut butter lovers

someone who LOVES peanut butter and anything to do with nuts (: like taylor jean palmer. krizan and taylor have a lot of history with peanut butter. especially when their sleeping :D where ever theres peanut butter you know taylors close!


richelle: HAHAHA YEAH! in the cupboard.

hayley: here taylor, and the basements empty :D

krizan: OMG that didnt even happen it was james chambers!

hayley: its okay krizan we all know you and taylor are "peanut butter lovers."

taylor: OMG IM GONNA RAPE YOU WITH PEANUT BUTTER. (i may finger your butt hole.)

by xela rorabaugh March 26, 2009

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Latino Lover

A Latino Lover or English Latin Lover is someone who’s EXOTIC features/ Ethnicity/ cultural background descends from ROME Italy because this is TRUE Latin origin. β€œLatin” America is NOT and will NEVER be Latin origin but only a name given to show the territory that countries of Latin Europe conquered the same with β€œLatin” Asia and β€œLatin” africa none of which are Latin origin except Latino Europa (Latin Europe) NEXT the ONLY people who are uneducated enough and disrespectful enough to misuse Latin identity by referring to conquered native Americans/ Mestizos as Latin men and women Latino or Latina are uneducated culturally confused brainwashed delusional USA Americans and that IT. then you have those who are born and raised in south/central/ America/Mexico who are very aware that their anyis NOT responsible for the Latin heritage but misuse Latin identity when dealing with or speaking with USA Americans because they like how it sounds to be wrongfully credited for the Latin heritage like its a trend and that’s exactly what it’s become for these non ethnically Latin peoples a fashion trend to misuse Latin identity because they’re again dealing with uneducated peoples and like how it sounds. While TRUE Latin men and women will and would NEVER refer to these people as LATINO OR LATINA BECAUSE THEYRE FACTUALLY NOT.

I am a TRUE Latino Lover Because I am an Exoitc Italian women I am a TRUE Latin Lover

by Latina Italiana November 19, 2019

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eve wakamiya lover

someone who likes eve wakamiya from the franchise BanG Dream! Girls Band Party!

"omg eve is so cute and pretty and amazing and fantastic and smart"
"i think they're an eve wakamiya lover idk"

by evewakamiyalover August 11, 2021

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vinnie hacker lover

Image result for the definition of Vinnie hacker lovers
Vinnie Hacker is a model and social media personality known for his lip-sync and lifestyle videos on TikTok. He first garnered attention for the edited music videos and short films he uploaded in his spare time. Hacker currently has 5.2 million TikTok followers and 1.8 million Instagram followers. YOU LOVE HIMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

Girl: I love the crush from school
Girl: two days later her friend showed her him the Vinnie hacker so she then said bye to school crush and said hello to becoming a Vinnie hacker lover

by Wilbur soot lover November 28, 2021

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warm lovers breath

Farting while receiving oral pleasures. Giving your partner(s) Warm Lovers Breath of your fart in their mouth(s).

I didnt mean to give her Warm Lovers Breath. It just kinda happened.

by Brain games June 28, 2014

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Own ass lover

A term that means a person who is totally and absolutly selfish and if you can't make it in life that just tough for you. It's not skin off there nose.

He's an own ass lover.

by Judge dredd7 May 3, 2011

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