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bagel juice necktie

When a chain link toy is wrapped around a child's neck by another child

Billy gave Charles a bagel juice necktie!

by 26DAM February 23, 2025

Bagel Boss Manlet

Representing the pint-sized personification of manlet rage and standing shockingly small at 5 foot nothing, Chris "Bagel Boss" Morgan rose to short-lived infamy when he threw a hissy fit extraordinaire at a Long Island Bagel Boss in 2019. After falsely claiming that the friendly female cashier had smirked at his comically dwarfed height, Chris "Sissy Manlet" Morgan was recorded by amused onlookers as he was instantly overwhelmed by manlet rage and went on a childish tirade, furiously ranting about how women (understandably) hate him due to his sensationally stunted stature and egregiously evident Napoleon complex. Subsequently to being asked by a much taller customer to calm down and grow up, the rageaholic turbo-manlet petulantly proclaimed: "Shut your mouth! You're not God, or my father, or my boss!" - only to then transform into a tiny, little hamster when a heroic manmore made short work of the midget monstrosity and tackled him. Helpful height enthusiasts later found his now defunct YouTube channel featuring many similar videos which triggered an escalating series of well-deserved trolling sagas, eventually culminating in the Bagel Boss Manlet being cut down to size (more so than he naturally was) and thereby stopped short of realizing his delusional dream of following in the microscopic footsteps of ill-famed celebrity turbo-manlets such as Tiny Tom Cruise and Kevin "Homunculus" Hart by becoming just another high heels wearing comic relief Hollywood Oompa Loompa manlet.

Materialistic manlet: WHERE THE FUCK ARE MY HIGH HEELS?! Manmore: Cease your manletspeak and don't go Bagel Boss Manlet on me. Here, bounce around on this stress ball and dry your tiny tears with this tampon, you silly, little manlet boy.

by ManletDepreciator September 18, 2024

Marmite bagel

Used to describe an anus slightly coated in shit.

Would you like to come back to mine for a marmite bagel?

Your marmite bagel last night was phenomenal

You will never touch my marmite bagel again

by Hassdog January 23, 2022

thing o anchovies and a bagel

The act of rimming a man, the hole in the bagel is referential to the butthole, and the anchovies refer to the ravenous man that has his mouth open and pleasuring the receiver. The anchovy is also a fed upon by several top level predators and this represents the role of the person that uses the terms place in the hierarchy of being available for a wide range of types of men.

"Wow, did you hear about Timmy! He lined up for all the guys last night, it was a real thing o anchovies and a bagel!"

by zimdah April 1, 2021

Big Apple Bagels

An American franchised chain of bakery-cafes based in Deerfield, Illinois. Coffee, along with a variety of other related products are sold

Big Apple Bagels are the best.

by SPrice1980 April 23, 2022

Catholic Bagel

The face that the alter boy makes after he is finished giving the priest a blowjob.

As Father Jones pulled out of little Paul's mouth, he displayed the Catholic Bagel for all to see.

by #VaticanCity October 7, 2023

Bagel effect

To throw a bagel at someone.

Person 1: *Throws a bagel at someone*
Person 2: "You just bagel effected that guy!"

by DNRAEKSESDED June 21, 2023