mainly used to interrogate those chicken munchers.
Officer:Alright Which one of you chicken munching basket ball playing african monkeys did it?
Black Suspects:It wasn't us man!!
The act of cleaning/ brushing ones teeth with vaginal discharge daily.
“Did you see Sarah? Her teeth are so clean. Do you think she is a basket weaver?”
While during male ejaculation, the partner cups their hands together, catching the hot load of semen in their hands.
Dude, I gave my girl a Kentucky Hot Basket and she forgot to wash the jizz off of her hands.
While in the act of ejaculating during sex, the partner cups their hands catching the warm semen.
"I gave this girl a Kentucky hot basket. It was sick dude."
"What the hell is that?"
"I finished in her hands bro. I don't think she washed them... Also it was your sister."
A dumb word that can be used in any way only by Majha ‼️
Shut up you Albino basket