The most sick nasty baller school ever. All the kids that go there are legends. Everyone wishes they were them. Its a private school in Indian Hill. Its the best school out there and your lucky enough to go there. They are preppy as hell usually rockin the sperrys and polos everday. Smart ass kids and know what they are doing. Most are fucking awesome partiers. All hail country day school hail
Macy: I wish i went to Cincinnati Country Day its fucking awesome
Tom: Yeah i know they are just too cool to look at
32๐ 32๐
In the city of Melbourne, country road bags are everywhere! They are usually worn by 12-16 year old males who desperately plea their mother for weeks to get this ridiculous bag. If you got one, you probaly got one because you want to be popular and hang out with the trendy losers.
Me: Look at those guys with the country road bags coming out of that train!
Louis: 1,2,3,8,17,35...
Me: Stop it... the amount is infinite. this HAS to be the work of terrorists...
11๐ 7๐
Where suck-ups and star athletes thrive but normal kids get pushed aside. The competition for a high school is ridiculous. Awards and recognition by teachers are more important than true friends. The headmaster is as good of a speaker as George Bush and the Dean articulates like he has an IQ of 8. There are some really good teachers but the majority need to go back to college and get a teaching degree because they don't make sense during class.
Previous definitions failed to mention how most of the guys aren't much better than the girls. The guys who are pricks think they are gods but when they get to college their asses will be pummeled and then they'll cry. Dating a Brother Rice boy seems to make them mad because they are "rivals" both on and off the field (idiots). The girls always seem to dress exactly the same on casual days. We have girls who come up with retarded acronyms for their names. (seriously WHO DOES THAT?!?) Some people think that their entire grade is friends with eachother but that is bullshit. Just because you're "popular" doesn't mean everyone likes you. Most are just entertained by your blatant acts of stupidity.
Restriction and restraints are how they control us. There is NO school spirit, it dies a little more each time new rules like "No more Jenga during study halls it gets too 'rowdy'" are made. We are watched constantly like criminals. Retared rules are made for everyone because the administration is too afraid to punish just a few students because those student's parents donate money (or they are the child of an administrator).
Besides, what the fuck kind of name is "Detroit Country Day"?! We aren't that close to Detroit but we aren't out in the country either and where does the "Day" even come from?!
If you still go to DCDS and can't get out just remember; stay under the radar of the assholes (adults and kids alike) and you'll be fine...that or just give all the jackasses hell.
And to the two people who wrote before me; it sounds like we are already friends and if we aren't we should be. ;)
And if any fuckin dick writes something after this that tries to defend Country Day or ridicule these definitions I just want to tell them that they are the exact person that most despised. But hey be who you are, it takes all kinds and I don't give a flying fuck.
public schooler: "hey you seem bitter. where did you go to school?"
country day student : "...i paid for prison"
public schooler: "?..oh yeah i hear Detroit Country Day is a bitch"
:another example below:
kiss ass: "omigod! sign my yearbook?"
person with a soul: *thinking 'wow you are SO fake'* "ummm...yeah sure" *writes 'please do not keep in touch'*
73๐ 84๐
In Indian Country Nooners refers to Exercising at Lunch time at the Gym. Either playing basketball, aerobics, or weight training.
Hey!, lets go to the Gym for a Nooners (In Indian Country) so we can execise at lunch time. I need to make my health better by exercising. Native American Indian Style.
3๐ 1๐
Basic, timed medium distance running events held over semi-rough, off-road terrain. Due to the limited popularity of the sport, most cross country "athletes" tend to think of themselves as elite and superior to individuals who partake in other sports. Unfortunately for them, this is never really the case, seeing as most other sports involve grueling daily practice oftentimes on top of frequent roadwork of equal or greater distance. However, a cross country "athlete" will never admit this. Vast majority of participants didn't have the hand eye coordination for baseball, the explosiveness and sheer physical strength for football and rugby, reaction time and accuracy for soccer, the physical toughness and tenacity for wrestling, the stamina and adaptability of triathletes, and the combination of all aforementioned qualities required for boxing, MMA and other such combat sports.
"Dude, us Cross country runners are hard core, we do fucking 3.1 miles per race, and sometimes run up to 8 miles per day!"
"I scoff at just how physically pathetic you are, not only do you lack the stamina of a marathon runner or even those who do half marathons, you're also stick thin and have a laughable musculature. Why don't you try a real sport for once, at least you wouldn't look like a skeleton with sleeves."
9๐ 123๐
What the Left refers to parts of the country that isn't Manhattan or L.A. and San Francisco.
I guess I live in fly-over country. Big deal.
52๐ 61๐
A college preparatory school located in the Detroit Metropolitan area. The system is corrupt and half the school tuition goes to the headmaster (see: twat) to pay for his brand new yacht. What's left of the $20,000+ tuition is spent on useless landscaping and hiring caterers when the state health inspectors drop by to evaluate the low-budget lunch program. The remaining funds are spent buying basketball player from other schools to play on our team. Donations are literally begged for by the headmaster.
They say that they treat you like adults, but in reality, they treat you like you can't take a shit without hurting yourself.
What we are not allowed to do:
Hug (It's innapropriate)
Carry a backpack around (It's not safe)
Toss a saltine cracker at my friend
Take off our vests when we are hot
Wear a coat when they try and cut back on the heating bill
Voice our opinion
Play Jenga
Play Cards
Generally, DCD sucks camel penis.
Scott: What school do you go to?
Kyle: Detroit Country Day.
Scott: Your life must suck then.
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