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Full of shit

1. Saying untrue, unreliable, incorrect, made up, often nonsensical and unbelievable lies to try to make oneself not look like a giant piece of shit. (see also piece of shit, bullshit artist)
2. One who is undependable, unreliable, fake, untrue, a straight up liar
3. Constipated to the point your eyes turn brown and breath reeks of fecal matter.
(Verb) to be-
1. To make promises, plans, or claims all the while knowing damn well you will never follow through. (see also blow smoke)
2. To be too afraid to be honest & say it like it is because one is soft. Not unlike a scared little girl.

"When do you think you'll have that job done"?
"I just finished it. Best work I've ever done!"
"You're FULL OF SHIT Brandon!! I'm here looking at it now"
"Oh Dave You wouldn't believe all the crazy, unbelievable made up things that happened that kept me from getting out of bed today. But I promise it'll be done today".
"You're FULL OF SHIT. I can't believe anything I hear and only half of what I see with you"

by WisestAssofall April 3, 2021

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Little Shit

A person who is annoying or obnoxious but you love them anyways.

Kari is a little shit.

That little shit, Kari, was being ridiculous again

by Littlesweetie42 September 24, 2014

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Recognize that Shit

The concept of having to be able to recognize someone you have never met before. Make sure you write this person's name down so you can recognize them later on by their name. If you choose not to recognize that shit, then the person who wants you to recognize them will continue to shout "Recognize that Shit!" only because they want others to remember them. Although, no one really cares for recognizing such people in society.

Bloody Loco: I don give a fuck 'bout no one else in this train, BUT YOU right now.

Passenger (trying to read a book): Thank you, thank you...

Bloody Loco: You better fuckin recognize that shit ASAP! Recognize that shit A-FUCKING-SAP!

Passenger flips page.

Bloody Loco: You don't put no FUCKING fear in my heart.

Me to Bloody Loco: Sir do you need a tampon?

by gunzkilla April 16, 2011

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Shit Shirt

Ugly terrible shirts that you wear around the house, possibly after taking a shower, or when you are about to go to bed. Although very hideous, they can be quite comfortable

I can not go outside like this with my shit shirt!

My shit shirt is an ugly gray, large t-shirt with pictures of nascar on it.

by Emosoccerplayer March 14, 2010

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Piece of shit

A person who thinks only of the self and not the feelings of others

Dang that Cart Hartman kid is a โ€œpiece of shitโ€

by Subside April 26, 2019

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Wicked Shit

The most vile, disgusting type of shit one can take. Often experienced after eating raw chicken or unrefrigerated Taco Bell leftovers. My be semi-liquid to foamy in consistency, and can range in color from orange-yellow to dark brown. The distinguishing characteristic of a Wicked Shit is the stench which is far more putrid and pervasive than that of a normal dump. The smell is often compared to that of a liquefied corpse, with hints of decomposing plant matter. Oftentimes the scent lingers for days following defecation, and may trigger allergy symptoms or asthma attacks.

I made the mistake of eating my roommate's tacos he left on the table from yesterday so I just took a Wicked Shit. Now I need to get ahold of my parents and let me see if I can stay at their house till the smell clears.

by Juggah8r666 February 25, 2014

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A pseudo shit is when a person really feels like they really need to take a dump only to sit on a bowl and read an entire edition of reader's digest. The person will then realize that it was a false call and will leave the bathroom confused. He or she will sometimes flush the toilet to avoid any questions from friends.

I woke up this morning and I thought my bowels had to be released but it was a pseudo-shit.

by hgfs563 June 30, 2010