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equine faced

horse faced, having a long face somewhat similar to that of a horse

dave's heads-over-heels for that sparkly blonde newscastress...yeah? shes' awfully equine faced!!

john didn't mind an equine faced 'babe' if there was a chance of him getting the 'poison' ground out of him.

by michael foolsley September 5, 2013

Smug Knife Cat face

A facial expression which resembles that of a Knife Cat. It differs from Smug Cat face in the level of smugness, having a higher position on the scale.

That friend of yours has a Smug Knife Cat face.

by wheat_chan February 12, 2024

Moon crater face

When somebody has the little holes in their face (from acne scars) that resemble all the craters on the moon

Person 1: "Bro you really should take care of that acne before you get moon crater face"
Person 2: "Yeah, my brother had moon crater face and was taken away by NASA"

by Geckoli December 9, 2023


To get brutally fucked inf the ass and force feed McDonald chicken nuggets covered in breast milk then they force there tongue in your ass and "eat the nuggets again"

Dang i really wanna POOKIE WOOKIE SHART FACE CUM NUGGET with someone

by TOEGULPER69000 March 27, 2024

Jeffy Face McJunior

A person or animal that exhibits a mental state that is filled with EXTREME anxiety and excitement. A life lived like and anxiety attack per-say.

Emmy is being such a Jeffy face McJunior!” Or
Ranger is so stupid he’s a Jeffy face McJunior!”

by Flower mound Flackavelli June 22, 2018

fucking bum face

A Fucking Bum face is a insult aimed at people that deserve Testicular Neutering

Bob: That fucking Mister Garbutt gave me a After School Detention
Loo: What a fucking bum face

by AKewlDefiner October 19, 2023

House Face

Your real face. The one you have walking through the kitchen Sunday morning after a 2-4 bender and only like 5 people know about.

Hero-"hey babe I showed the Easter pictures to Susan at work"
Wife- You didn't show the one with my House Face right?
Hero-"Nah bae, I got you"

by BalerionTheBlack April 15, 2021