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Journey Baby

A baby born after parents experienced infertility but without previous loss (miscarriage, stillborn, etc.)

After years of infertility, I’m finally pregnant with my journey baby!

by Journey Mama October 5, 2022

baby birded

When someone spits in your mouth having just recently eaten

"He was eating something gross and then just straight up baby birded me"

by Lexicon239 February 5, 2019

Baby birded

When you accidentally vomit in someone’s mouth during a drunken makeout.

Dude, I was so drunk last night I thought I regurgiburped but actually I was baby birded by a ladyboy on Silom Soi 4.

by Bkk4 January 1, 2020

on my baby boy

on my baby boy

you ugly as hell nigga on my baby boy

by z3pz March 24, 2024

Brown baby beej

When someone has a perfect cylindrical shit that they call “ a brown baby” and the lassie eats your ass and sucks it like a dick.... brown baby beej

“Mary, I have a serious shit coming, fancy giving me a brown baby beej?”

by Scott&LiamVsEvil February 10, 2020

baby carter

a nickname for discord mod carter

"hey haku"
"oh hey baby carter"

by hakuuuu June 17, 2023

Baby Vogue

Newbies to Vogue

"Yas gawd it's Baby Vogue night"

by fuckmymouthwithaneggrollmother October 24, 2020