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-A person that was born to stand out, not like others.
-Someone who is admired by everyone and is noticed in any room he/she walks in
-A person that effortlessly shines

-Damnn look at that chick she is definitely a Railway baby.
-My only goal in life is to be a railway baby

-Logan thinks he's railway baby but everyone else just thinks he's a beg.

by rul3stTheWlrd July 10, 2023

baby strokes [b-strokes]

some who have sex that well

mr metts got baby strokes b-strokes

by netoyoshi September 6, 2008

baby platypus addiction

im right there is such a thing mwa hahahahahahaha

defined as ones addiction to baby platypus

used as "i have a baby platypus addiction

by SMart@ss101 May 31, 2023