Some pussy ass niggas det can’t come out dey hood cs everybody want they wne
The non-sticky, clear adhesive you often find between the gift card and the paper.
Hey Alicia, thanks for the Starbucks gift card! Not only will I get a coffee with this but I get to peel off the baby meatloaf and play with it while I wait! I won’t even have to wash my hands! I love it but I’m not attached to it!
The reproductive organs of the human female, but after the specimen has had atleast 1 child, or is pregnant.
dude 1: hey have you seen that chick, shes soooooo hot.
dude 2: man she has like 2 kids.
dude 1: I know, I tottally want to have a meat party in her Baby Bunker.
When a woman and a man fall in love, the man’s leg stick shoots out baby icing into the woman’s basket.
I can’t wait to put some baby icing in Janet!
A baby born with skin so dark, it doesn't exist on the known color spectrum
"Damn, Jay was definitely a crispy baby."
Originating from the Aba and Preach Video "WE NEED A PARENTING LICENSE. DaBaby & DaniLeigh are 🤡" . It is defined as a man who impregnates a plethora of women.
Person 1: "Yo you remember Danny from high school?"
Person 2: "Yeah, what about him?"
Person 1: "I heard he a Baby Batter Spreader now. Hella kids"
Person 2: "What the fuck are you talkin' about?"
“Ew you got IVF?? Say no to GMO babies.”
“If she can’t get pregnant, will she have a GMO baby?”