Someone who walks into Starbucks with bugged out eyes and proceeds to muscle their way behind the counter and proceeds to steal the coffee maker. Once they wrap their arms around the coffee maker their eyes pop out of their head as if they have a severe thyroid disorder. They run out the door stopping the employees from retrieving the coffee maker.
That Wide Eyed Bandit is addicted to caffeine.
What black eyed peas really are
Those aren't peas they look more like black eyed beans to me
A name used to describe somebody with an extremely cocked eye
Tell that gouch-eyed bitch in your room to get the fuck up and do something! Lazy bitch with her dum looking face
An Australian slang term for someone who is really high since their eyes start to go red and squinty like a chicken. only to be used for those who are reeeeeeeeeelly high
"hey wheres tom"
"man hes on the couch, hes fucking chook eyed"
"oh fuck how much did he have"
"easily 13 cones just to himself"
"mans gonna be on journey"
Musical artists with really bad lyrics but really good music.
Oh Black Eyed Peas isn’t one of the lyrics to there son My Humps Whatcha gonna do with all that breast
All that breast inside that shirt?