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man tart

a man who flaunts themselves sexually and is considered to be promiscuous or receives compensation for sexual favors.

Jen: did you see that guy winking at me, he said he'd make it "worth my while" if i went home with him!!
Britt: ugh, he's such a man tart!!!!

by inanaeroplane February 9, 2010

16๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

dude man

the dude man is a human who lives fearlessly and does what he or she feels is right. the dude man accepts people of all likes, dislikes, races, religions, genders, and sexualities. this variety of human moves in on crowded subways, says "excuse me", and will always put the blinker on when driving. the dude man will offer you his/her umbrella in the rain.

the hobbies of the dude man include hanging with friends and family, having sex, drinking, and smoking pot. however he or she uses condoms at all times, does not drink and cry for attention, and will always pass the bowl. this type of human lives in all of us.

when humanity realizes this, there will be no more war, crime, misery, selfishness, stealing, or cheating.
there will only be peace and love.

When we all find our inner dude man, the world will be awesome and traffic won't be so miserable.

by rokkii k March 24, 2011

109๐Ÿ‘ 18๐Ÿ‘Ž

man of action

1. A guy who doesn't sit and screw around.
2. A guy who takes action and doesn't just sit and twidle his thumbs talking about it.

See, you took care of it. That's why you're the man of action.

by Man Of Action February 14, 2005

35๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man bun

An oxymoron in terms, as it is neither edible or a representation of masculinity.

May also be called a Bitch Biscuit, or as seen below, a douche donut.

Always remember to let down your man bun before going onstage for your drag routine.

by Oddih October 18, 2020

81๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Man Chair

The only place a man can go after a long day of hard work. A chair that is the only thing that can truly comfort and care for a man. Often an extremely comfortable recliner with foot rest. Obtaining one is part of becoming a man along with sex, facial hair and eating a full steak. Many times, a man finds his man chair by fate such as while sitting in the husband chair in a womens clothing store. Spying it from across the way, a man will become like a moth drawn to a flame. He'll have no choice but to sit in the chair for as long as possible and refuse to leave without purchasing it. A typical man will spend 4-8 hours out of everyday sitting in his man chair. This chair is also off limits to women, children and especially other men. Sitting in another man's man chair is like borrowing, wearing and returning his underwear. It's just plain wrong. If one wants to truely destroy a man, then one must destroy is chair. The man chair is a man's pride and most significant accomplishment. Obtaining a nice car and having a high score on an arcade machine follow closely behind. Women say that behind every great man is an even greater woman, they are wrong. For the truth is this: Behind every great man is a comfortable man chair, and a tall beer.

Wife: "Honey, what do you think of this couch? Does it match our other furniture?"
Man: *Spots man chair, eyes begin to water*

by AlexWhiteRules August 15, 2010

60๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Girly man

Justin Timberlake

by aou July 8, 2003

627๐Ÿ‘ 136๐Ÿ‘Ž

man of culture

A man of culture is simply a man preferring 2D women over 3D women.

Man: I caught my son masturbating to some tentacle hentai, glad he's a man of culture as well.

by Tentymanny October 6, 2018

455๐Ÿ‘ 98๐Ÿ‘Ž