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Donald Trump

Donald Trump(born June 14 1946) is an American "politician" and former businessman who served as president from 2017 to 2021. Despite claims from the alt right, Trump is known for his anti libertarian views, including opposition to free speech, LGBT rights, and pretty much every single right and freedoms Americans have.

In 2021, he was responsible for the deadly attack on the Capitol, which led to him(rightfully) being blacklisted from social media.

Donald Trump:Grab em by the pussy

Libertarian:so perverted

by Libertypedia May 23, 2023

4438πŸ‘ 831πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

An old rich guy who makes people cry through dumb tweets. Most infamously making liberals shed tears over jokes or speeches that offend them.

Virgin libtard:Donald Trump just said that he is a pedo!
Chad Republican: Where did you read that?
Virgin libtard: CNN
Chad Republican: Oh I see

by Cerecus December 2, 2020

11204πŸ‘ 4120πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A bitch

Hey you, you look at bad as Donald Trump today :D

by StarCadges January 25, 2021

4445πŸ‘ 835πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump


Donald Trump sucks pipi

by πŸ™€πŸ™€πŸ™€ December 11, 2020

4444πŸ‘ 817πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A dickhead, someone who should be in jail

person 1: Fuck Donald Trump.
person 2: yeah he's so hot
person 1 again: *calls the police*

by β€’Ren Yamaiβ€’ October 26, 2022

4429πŸ‘ 820πŸ‘Ž

Donald Trump

A boomer that ate too many carrots.
calls covid china virus and is obsessed with building a wall.

person 1: why Donald Trump spend 15 billion to build a wall????
person 2: i donno but he also looks like a cheeto puff wearing a wig so like you never know.

by doggies4eva January 19, 2022

1235πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

Mc Donalds

A fast-food chain that sells compressed Dead cow menuar. Mc Donalds is neutorious for their Ice cream machine to be broken but either way that isn't a problem cuz their ice cream is made with Rotten Cow Milk and A broken freezer.

"Mommy can we go to Mc Donalds?"

by regaljeg April 17, 2019