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A politically correct term for the word retard even tho it means the same exact thing

Sarah: omg I’m so slow
Emily: in her mind “she is so politically correct and woke

by Jared never learned how 2 read April 8, 2021



What does slow mean? Katana,He is the fucking definition of slow

by edhu asdjfkbhj March 11, 2018


An individual born with a Slovenian background that is a slow runner.

Even though both sets of my kid’s fathers were considered the quickest in Canada at their highest points of their track days, because of my Slow-venian background, all 4 turned out to be quite the opposite of the fastest.

by KathyWoudz December 8, 2019

super pussy slow

An automobile moving at least 10 mph below the speed limit and braking too much.

I'm late because the car in front of me was driving super pussy slow.

by boatsmith September 3, 2018

Slow as a wet week

What ol mate says when you do something a bit slow for his liking

Dad: "Slow as a wet week aye wee scamp"
While peeking out of flatmates closet.

I said no commentary or I'll would kick you out.

*Girl runs out scared all concerned and looks at me all concerned

Me: first time?

by Shameful act of teh imerbrated June 1, 2021

Slow Shift

When you try to capitalize a word but accidentally capitalize the second letter instead. Usually happens on important documents, such as resumes and letters to your mother-in-law.

Business Owner: I'm sorry sir, but we can't accept your resume due to multiple slow shifts in it.
Guy who wanted job: wHat aRe yOu tAlking aBout?

by Omniscient Terminialogicalinex October 7, 2010

slow bleach

When racist new management comes in and decides to subversively eliminate all POC under the guise of “meeting the current and future needs” of the cOrPoRaTiOn.

“These new leaders tryna slow bleach. It’s a shame that they don’t value diversity of thought and experience.”

by Dag roll 86 June 19, 2024