Source Code

Jiggle Show

An amazingly fast dance number performed by an enthusiastic chunky teenage girl who is more than willing to get naked at any given opportunity. The Jiggle Show beings with a soft clap and finishes with the sound of an entire audience at the Sydney Opera House. Producers of the Jiggle Show plan to launch a new website soon, and are beinning production on the latest film: "I don't think you're ready for this Jelly, in fact I know you're not."

That fat girl is taking off her clothes!

Really, she must be getting ready to do a jiggle show...

A what?!

You know, a jiggle show, where her fat does the performing for her...

by .Tiff.A.Knee. July 11, 2006

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some queer who goes to rock shows every week

That kid goes to every show, he such a show-fag

by Jason Marti August 11, 2008

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Show of Hands

An app where users make polls and respond to them. You can talk about anything, politics, religion, love, life, TV, etc. The app is good in concept, but is overrun by political extremists, annoying old faggots, stupid young liberals, obvious trolls and the owners frankly are biased or don't give a fuck. For more information look up shithole.

Show of Hands has a shitty community and the only reasonable user a part of their community is The215Theory.

by TheNerdyResponder December 9, 2014

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That '70s Show

Unfunny show. The creaters make it seem funny by adding a very loud laughs in it, as in a typical modern sitcom. The only charecter that can be remotley funny is Eric, and they got rid of him so there really is no reason to watch this show at all now. And my god it can get melodramatic, what the fuck is this a soap opera? OMG, Hyde got back with Jackie, OMG Jackie's going out with Fex, OMG Jackie is with Kelso now, looks like Jackie is a whore.

Fez: I'm taking a break from girls for a while
*Laughter* HAR HAR HAR HAR
Randy: I knew it, your gay!
Randy: I guess I owe Ms. Foreman some money!
Red: I'm going to kick all your asses, you dumbasses
Me: This is NOT FUNNY
Fanboy: Oh noez, dis is funny man, fez is soo hott, lolz. That '70s Show best sitcom ever lolz

by Spikesy July 28, 2006

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Shit Show

A reference used to describe a night of intoxication with friends that ultimately leads to blacking out & puking. Girls often use this as an excuse to get drunk and be taken advantage of. Boys often use this as an excuse to take advantage of girls without them remembering. All in all, if you're gonna be a shit show... At least make it classy.

Victoria; always puts on the best shit show when partying.

by Not Drunk Enough For This May 28, 2012

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Show Choir

1.) a flock of entitled little brats who all think they're gonna end up on Broadway or in Hollywood, but in reality about 25% of them have voices that don't make you want to die.

2.) a group of petty girls who have the attitude of a twelve-year-old and the orange skin of a fifty-year-old, and throw in a few closeted boys who hit on aforementioned girls to make it look like they aren't flaming as fuck.

3.) a choir run by teachers who don't actually teach the popp-y shit music and instead just collect an outrageous amount of money to do jack shit

4.) literally the most cancerous extra-curricular. Go get voice lessons instead. Show choir is hell.

"I wanna be a successful musician! I think I'm gonna join my high school's show choir!"
"Don't do that unless you really want to lose forty hours a week, all your Saturdays, and all of your friends."

by crapsody June 3, 2018

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show stopper

A person who walks into a room and it goes quiet; not because they are beautiful, but because they ruin everybody else's good time.

She is such a show stopper - everytime she is present all she does is talk about herself and ruin everyones good time.

by Chi-Chi Train November 15, 2006

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