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Ash way

the cutest little spicy samosa ever


“wow have you seen that ash way, seems like the nicest spicy flavoursome samosa ever”

by badgirl69hehe April 23, 2021

Ash Stonestill

An evil reaper popular in their land to trap teenagers from earth and force them to play deadly games. Disappeared July 27th 2021 to an unknown world.

He did not want to play Fortnite and won't stop talking about crack muffins Ash Stonestill.

by 0ffici4l_JJ January 3, 2022

Slayyyters ash tray

A homosexual euthanizm for 'massive trap'

Jack: Hey did you hear Kim is setting up a slayyyters ash tray on Jayla!
Ace: A WHAT?!

by Trovos May 16, 2021

2👍 2👎

Ash-Jaeger Main

Ash-Jaeger Mains are quite a rabid species that play Rainbow Six Siege that are associated with tryharding. They love killing anything that is in their way. Also they will have autism outbreaks on rounds where they do not get an ace.

"Yo, that guy is such a fucking tryharding Ash-Jaeger Main!"

by spincie September 25, 2018

Ash Bat

Origin: West India 1909 when India was a British Colony. This was used in Cricket but has since fallen out of commonlyused cricket terminology.

Meaning: To have an Ash Bat was to have a home made Cricket bat, commonly made oit of Ash from fires, it's not really known what was used to hold the bat together but this was one of the early types of cricket bats that were used before they started to create more solid, proper bats. It's rumoured that they used a ball of ash stuck together and left out in the sun as an early cricket ball. The Ash Bat is no longer used and it's only known to a select group of people, there is one village in India that do continute to make Ash Bats as part of the village tradition since 1909.

This may or may not be true but it can be found on some documents in the Cricket Museum of India, but sometimes animal dung was used instead of Ash and left to dry out in the sun but again, it'e not documented what was used to hold the dung or ash together.

Commentator: "... and Singh singh picks up his Ash Bat and walks onto the field..."

Random Player: "I need to make an Ash Bat so i can play Cricket today."

by ProffFartuart November 18, 2019

Hot Ash

when person "A" blows through the lit end of a cigarette and person "B" inhales the smoke without touching the cig.

Jenna and I did a hot ash and she didn't burn her mouth.

by JBuck December 3, 2013


A rarely occuring element from the okanagan Valley. Hot-ash is typically funny. Sassy. Talented and beautiful. And as far as studies show. Holds full unicorn status On the hot-crazy spectrum.

Kelownas most valuable natural resource is hot-ash

by 2am79 September 17, 2018