A female of Hispanic origin with exceptional oral sex skills.
Dude...that girl Maria gave me the best head I've ever had. She's a full on burrito charmer!
The glorious coif of chest hair that bubbles out from the neckline of a man's shirt.
Sexual encounter with a big chested, heavy set, woman. Typically, the encounter is brought on by over consumption of alcohol. The female usually exhibits an aggressive sexual attitude while the male exhibits an over estimation of his sexual appetite.
I hooked up with Carol last night. It was a total burrito pile. Way more than I could handle.
Three white girls in a Snuggie. Is usualy associated with sex, and Starbucks.
" Hey bro, I just had a Coachella Burrito! White girls will do anything for coffee."
When Mexicans have sex, specifically to make babies or groupsex.
Hola chica, how bout you and me make some burritos together?
God damn it I think Enrique and Maria are making burritos in my closet again.
1. a theoretical burrito that Jesus Christ makes so hot that even he himself cannot eat it (usually said to be microwaved).
2. any burrito that is so hot that it can't be eaten by a mortal human (although Jesus probably could).
3. A burrito that is so hot it makes you see Jesus.
4. Archaic: A burrito that is so hot that it burns the sin right outta ya.
5. Noun: Another name for the Holy Corpse Parts in Jojo's Bizzare Adventure, Specifically Eyes of Heaven, seeing as they look like burritos in the game
"Oh, we got another Jesus Burrito" - Joel
When you stick your penis through a burrito and have sex with somebody
I had a good burrito supreme last night