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Davi is a funny guy who has a 5-head and loves playboy carti. Davi has some issues when anger when he gets mad but is an overall funny guy to be around. Some girls call him annoying and loud while others call him handsome and dreamy. Davi can definitely make or break your heart and usually likes to talk about his hard working family. People say you always smile when you see Davi

girl 1: omg did you see Davi?
girl 2: haha yes he is sooo funny!

by themarcelinetoyourbubblegum October 4, 2021


SIMP Davis is the name of a big simp, he cares for girls. He can also attract them with his looks and bomb personality. Davis’s are know to be very loyal and caring that’s why they are know as a Davis

SIMP Davis is the name of a big simp, he cares for girls. He can also attract them with his looks and bomb personality. Davis’s are know to be very loyal and caring that’s why they are know as a Davis

by Simp names October 21, 2020


a ugly, unattractive guy, who is very fat and eats all of the food in the house is there food left? no davis ate it all

You see davis? yeah he’s gotten really fat over the summer

by davisaampsonniggabawl December 29, 2023


Davis is a tall, handsome, nice and sweet boy. Any girl is lucky to have him and he has a big dick. He gets all the girls because he’s so fine and awesome and generous and amazing. If you encounter a Davis in your life, you must hold on to him because he is a very special person. One in a million.

Girl 1: Davis is so hot
Girl 2: i know right? I’m so jealous of his girlfriend

by Chopalina July 9, 2023


The best son ever...always thoughtful, loving and enigmatic. Always thinking of other people. Energetic, lively and has a beautiful nature


by Jojocarolly November 18, 2018


A Davis is used to describe a lying ass fool. Made in Firebaugh, CA.

Guy 1: I just made 10k in one week.

Guy 2: You're a fucking davis.

by 559659 October 20, 2022


He always bragging like damn bro no one gives a shit, often acts like they pulls females even though they get no bitches, can’t make a move on a girl to save his life like damn you’ve been talking to this girl for a year now.

Girl 1:Did you see that pussy over there not making a single move on his female
Girl 2:Yea his names Davis

Girl 1:Oh that makes sense

by IloveMilfsMoan May 31, 2022