Source Code

Dry Hump

The rubbing of a male's erect penis on a female's clitoris to induce the female to climax while the male does not reach orgasm.

My friend's girlfriend wanted to technically retain her virginity, so he dry humped her last night.

by AlexZ96 June 11, 2009

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Dry Dock

When a man penetrates a woman's vagina without any preparation or foreplay. Otherwise known as "going in dry".

Dry docking is the number one cause of break ups.

by Lucid Activity November 11, 2014

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Cananada Dry

A codename for weed/Marijuana/Cannabis.

One day, two high friends were at one of their houses. One of them saw a bottle of Canada Dry, and attempted to say it. The friend, being quite high, mis-pronounced it, saying "Cananada Dry", and thats how the term Cananada Dry came around.

Bob: Hey man you wanna drink some Cananada Dry?

Joe: Get high man? Heck yes!

by DryMaster December 1, 2010

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The act of coming out of the shower and sitting by your computer and writing code until you dry. An alternative to using a towel or drip-drying.

I really wanna finish this app and I don't have a towel, so I think I'm gonna code-dry.

by TortugaJay April 24, 2011

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Dry Spell

One's life is in critical danger after certain amount of time of not having sex.

1. Adam's dry spell has caused him to put his life in jeopardy and isn't thinking with his right head.

2. Melissa's social life is in dry spell danger because she just drunkenly hooked up with that douche in front of everyone.

3. If you don't help me end this dry spell right now, I could die, and you'll be held responsible.

4. This dry spell has put my life is in peril because my head between my legs and going to self cumbust.

by Avtar Ji May 19, 2017

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Dry em

Unsympathetic note of sympathy.

Short for dry your tears / dry your eyes depending on region and whether or not you listen to the Streets. Basically slightly easier to say than chin up.

So your mum has gone off with your boyfriend, dry em.

by anon July 29, 2004

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dry willy

when jenny is asleep you cum in her ear and wait for it to dry so when she wakes up she has a dry willy.

jennys asleep... lets give her the old dry willy. then we can bitchslap that ho

by click January 19, 2003

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