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A total girl hopper

Billy: "Dude I broke up with Jilly yesterday"
Tim:"Dude you alright?"
Billy: "Yeah I found this hottie called Tammy"
Tim: "Dude you're such an Ethan"

by JesusOfModernAges August 26, 2016

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Some little bitch boy
Who loves target boys

Thinks he gets pussy but in reality he likes boys. Don’t be a Ethan

Wow did you hear about Ethan and target boy last night?

Nah dude that fool a mark ass bitch

by Blazedyourmomsbootyhole March 22, 2018

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A definite bottom

Ethan is a bottom, while bela is a top

by InSooYoo March 16, 2020

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Ethan Dolan

A boy who has a twin brother. They're equally as good-looking as each other but, Ethan is the better twin.

Ya, sorry Gray's lane x

Ethan Dolan is the better twin, end of story.

by cudix May 12, 2018

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A small ginger kid who is sexually abusive. He is very violent and is obsessed with YouTube. He also enjoys minecraft. He likes calling people stupid and will always do so no even if the person isn't. He is normally found in twin form. He isn't good at sport, but is academically able. He is really funny and also a really good friend.

Ethan: I'm going to rape you.
Girl: *nervously laughs* NIALL HELP ME.
Ethan: When you least expect it, *grabs girls neck* I WILL rape you.

by WeSpeakTheTruth August 2, 2012

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Ethan bradberry

A guy who likes to tell his name and loves donuts. He likes to express his enjoyment of the donuts by yelling slamming.

I’m Ethan bradberry!

by Frankiebeattie February 15, 2018

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Ethan Poo

When your friend takes over 20 minutes to take a shit and your left alone wondering if he's wanking or crying.

Boy: I need to go for a dump
Girl: It better not be an Ethan Poo
Boy: Sorry, need some time alone

by Yep I'm George April 9, 2015

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