《¤》Angel《¤》Jose《¤》Robles《¤》And《¤》Eric《¤》Saul《¤》Hemmings《¤》Fought《¤》angel《¤》jose《¤》robles《¤》and《¤》eric 《¤》hemmings《¤》fought《¤》angeL《¤》josE《¤》robleS《¤》anD《¤》eriC《¤》hemmingS《¤》foughT《¤》
Person 0: 《¤》Eric, Tamera, And Samantha Rivera 《¤》
Eric is the sweetest guy you will ever meet, He is going to be shy at first but as soon as he opens up to you you will wish you met him before, He will make sure that you know how much he loves you everyday and he will be the sweetest guy ever. Not to mention that he is incredibly good looking and funny. If you ever get the chance to date an Eric than take it. Personally, I have an Eric and I wouldn't trade him for the world! Eric's are the type of guys that you will want to spend every second of your life with and marry. They will want everyone to know that you're theirs. And if you're smart enough, you will let everyone know that he is yours
Eric Phillips being cool
A gimpy fuck that is a brown Thompson when it comes to sharing.
I asked for a favor and I got brown Eric.
A man that is sort of tall.
You could be a jackass to him, and he will play around with you too if you don't get too serious.
He has dirty blonde hair with the bluest eyes you have ever seen.
He is amazing at sex, an great with his tongue. His weiner is huge, so big, it will tear your insides. If you aren't careful, you could fall for him.
It's impossible to not think he is strange, but he is still very fun.
1) Man, that Eric Trail is tall.
2) That Eric Trail's eyes are as blue as pool water.
3) I want to see an Eric Trail's weiner.
4) It is impossible to forget an Eric Trail.
Eric Cary is a gay person who loves cock and under age boys
Eric Cary is a gay person who loves cock and under age boys
A man who is irrelevant. Someone who keeps responding when he is not called for. Usually has hair that is disrespected, but is very popular.
Oh look! It's the other Eric.
Hey Eric! Why are you answering other Eric?