Source Code

from zero to website

The process of building a website without considering smaller milstones throughout the project.

We should have released smaller pieces of the site as we worked. Instead we tried to go from zero to website, and now it's been 2 years in development.

by Scott R King April 16, 2008

Seen From Space

"Seen From Space" can be used as an exageration to explain just how big a mistake, mess, crap, etc. seems

"I took a crap so big it can be seen from space!"
"That accident on the highway was massive. I bet you could see it from space!"

by Jaroslav January 19, 2006

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Death From Above

A battle cry used by the Dominic's cat Spark in the webcomic Dominic Deegan: Oracle for Hire. Denotes pretty much exactly what it sounds like.

Helixa- "Now watch, Oracle, as your precious golem dies a slow, painful death FROM ABOVE!" (last two words yelled by Spark)

by Shay Guy October 26, 2006

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Chewy from the back

When you put your dick through your legs so it looks like a Fruit Bowl and then have a girl perform oral sex on you.

She tried giving me head last night, but i told her I wanted to get a chewy from the back. She complied.

by Rawdog1313 January 30, 2010

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drinking from the sky

Drinking from the sky is a phrase originated by Maurie K. Patel which describes taking a drink from another persons beverage without touching your lips to the beverage.

She had the herp so I opted to pull the drinking from the sky method.

by Maurie Patel May 3, 2008

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from the river to the sea

Unofficial National Motto of State Of Palestine

From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free

by Anon23121999999 September 21, 2022

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hug from behind

dick so far up urbandictionary's ass the system forces contributers to vote on it for months or possibly for all eternity

urbandictionary so favors dick up ass it hopes all definitions will hug from behind

urbandictionary prefers nonjudgmental dick up ass, hug from behind, always performed with zero pussy. Your preference be damned -- you are merely free to agree. Morality is to be feared. Dissent will be mocked.

by hug the fuck outta queers May 26, 2013

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