During TFG aka The Former Guy's regime, demure and meek Jared Kushner received illegal security clearance and committed like hundreds of felonies. When Carla saw him saunter out the White House for the last time, she exclaimed "bye, Gender-lazy Polliwog, ya little cunt. now run along and wait until you're indicted"
gender dysphoria is when someone who doesn't align with their gender, feel incredibly sad, depressed, frustrated, angry or unhappy with their body. It could go from just being irritable or sad, to suicide. It sucks.
person1: I heard Oliver is having some gender dysphoria, let's give him/her/them some space
this term is used as an umbrella term to refer to people that aren’t in the category of men and women,
(i.e: transgender, non-binary, ect.)
plural form: people of the third gender
“i am not, a man, i am not a woman either, i might be a person of the third gender.”
Sexually identifying as the Gender corresponding with the last person they had sex with
"yeah I'm Romania-Gender, Last week I was a guy until I fucked your mother."
A Non-Genderal person is someone who likes no gender. They DON'T like boys, girls, they's/them's, blacks, whites, hispanic, etc. A Non-Genderal person will most likely not have children or get married since they have no interest in any gender. This does not make a Non-Genderal person apart of LGBT. For all the religious people, being Non-Genderal is not a sin! No where in the Bible does it say!
What's your sexuallity?
Oh, I'm Non-Genderal!
What's that?
Well it means I like no gender or race, I have interest in no one.
A manic state created by aligning one’s gender identity and expression.
Wearing a dress gives me gender mania