Bipartite Gender-Attraction Classification is a more nuanced and modern way of classifying a person's self-identified sexual attraction. It has two facets:
Assigned-Sex Attraction
Assigned-Expression Attraction
So for example, people we consider having a typical hetero-attraction would have a) opposite assigned-sex attraction , and b) opposite assigned-expression attraction.
For example, the typical man is attracted sexually to biological women, and feminine gender expression.
My sociology report included a section about Bipartite Gender-Attraction Classification and how human sexuality is nuanced.
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A bathroom for people who don't identify as male or female.
Though, transgender people who aren't "out" yet have also been known to use these.
Sometimes, the line to the bathroom of your identified gender is too long though and you may decide to use the gender neutral bathroom instead, which is totally fine, it's called the gender neutral bathroom for a reason.
Person 1 : "Where's Skye?"
Person 2 : "In the gender neutral bathroom.
"Gender wobbly" describes a category of gender that does not fit the binary, but is not as general as "Genderqueer."
It is typically used to describe a person who does not feel as though they are not the gender they were assigned at birth, but lack the connection to that gender.
People who identify as "Gender wobbly" use the pronouns she/they or he/they, to indicate that they may present as one gender, but are not attached to it.
"Is Sam a boy or a girl?" "Neither, they're gender wobbly."
"Morgan's wearing a dress today, I thought she was nonbinary." "They're actually gender wobbly and today they feel like wearing a dress, but tomorrow she might prefer jeans and a t-shirt."
A spectrum for gender identities that people self-identify as, which doesn't match their sex or gender assigned at birth.
Context: Gender Identity is a mental illness known as "gender dysphoria" formerly known as "gender identity disorder".
Your daughter is gender confused. Her gender identity known as "non-binary" falls under the gender dysphoria spectrum.
Gender peace is the opposite of gender envy. You feel at peace with your gender identity and are able to be comfortable in it, this is when you finally find peace or something gives you specifically gender peace when you do it/wear it
"This cool dress give me gender peace."
"I think jane has found some gender peace with those pants."
"I wish I had gender peace"
Is one gender dressing up as another gender, both genders and/or no gender and doing a bad/lazy job at it. They are in the “uncanny valley” of genders. they are delusional people who do crazy things to get attention, like males who wear women’s makeup and still have beards. unattractive nonbinary people who are generally out of shape, unattractive transgender people because their features from their sex overshadow their gender that they desire to be examples (broad shoulders, strong jawlines, 5 o clock shadows on trans-women and wide hips on a trans-man), drag queens are males doing a caricatures of females which is a derogatory way of doing ‘womenface’.
They are called gender clowns because they are scary, ridiculous and funny all at the same time just like clowns.
If you don’t know what gender they are and they look ridiculous they are most likely gender clowns. Caution, they are easily offended, avoid at all cost.