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How much of a fag is colin

Colin has an offspring of multiple gay people. He has two dad's, two grandparents, and two uncles. There are only 2 girls in his family... His dog Sarah and his paret Gale. He is also secretly fucks his football couches to get his starting position as running back

How much of a fag is colin, He is gay for fucking all his couches

by Colin burger November 13, 2019

Bitch How 'Ya Durrrn?

A common form of greeting, used primarily to welcome a member of the opposite sex. Should be followed with a hearty reply of "Durrrn Well!"

First used by the incomprable Max Donager.

When I walk through the door I'm like "Bitch How 'Ya Durrrn?"

And she was all "Durrrn Well 'n shit."

by Sippmastaflex March 3, 2010

God knows how long

A thing so long you cannot describe it. Almost infinite amounts of longness. The "long" can also be replaced with other words like "short", "red", "sexy", and etc.

"That tube is god knows how long."

by CantThinkOfAnActuallyGoodName March 2, 2021

how to get a grill friend

You are hot like electric fence
Congrats now you have an grill friend

how to get a grill friend

by SamMafian January 27, 2022

And that's how you land a plane

When you complete something like a boss ass bitch

Girl: *hooks up with a hot guy at a frat party*
Girl: and THAT'S how you land a plane

by mecheng99 November 17, 2017

how long we've come

Derived from the phrase "how far we've come", this phrase has been first said by Anime YouTuber AnimeUproar's AnimaC on an episode on the Rant Cafe Podcast, this was a dumb mistake by AnimaC.

"It really is crazy how long we've come"
~ AnimaC

by LordTwigo'sFollower November 28, 2020

How now, brown cow?

Those four words roll off the tongue as a lighthearted way of asking "What's up? What's next?" And that tripping lightly stuff makes sense, since "How now, brown cow" has its origin in elocution, where the phrase was used to demonstrate properly rounded vowels.

Ron: How now, brown cow?

Paul: Not much. Just on my way to catch a movie with my girl.

by MoonCricket March 27, 2005

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