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Self Chug

Chugging one's own penis.

Hey did you guys hear jeremy can self chug?

by pee eye em pee August 8, 2009

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A man/woman who masturbates to baby pictures of themself.

John used to be a notorious self-pedobator, but has changed critically since.

by Fucking Karen November 14, 2021

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When you're a self-centred asshole all the time.

"Celebrities are very self-considerate."

by please kill my soul September 29, 2020

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Self control

Self control isnt the same as self preservation,though some confuse the two. Self control is what keeps you from endangering yourself and the people around you. People who lack self control like to think of themselves as living dangerously or on the edge, which is not entirely off, but there's a difference between doing something risky on purpose and knowing what the risks beforehand, and wandering/stumbling your way into it and not knowing why. The same people who brag about living dangerously are the first to want credit for being cautious, they call themselves cautious every time they gain control of themselves, which is something other people are doing all the time, using self-control. It's like being honest, nobody should get credit for being honest, responsible, or using self-control and good judgment. Self preservation is doing anything it takes to survive, like a snake or a reptile, without any thought about anything else.

The girl didn't have any self control, but had plenty of self preservation.

by Solid Mantis May 15, 2020

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the act of shipping a character with themselves, usually with an alternative-universe self or themself in a different persona

"OMG i ship the once-ler with greed-ler"
"who the hell is greed-ler??"
"just him in a green suit and evil-ler"
"becky that's just self-cest go get some help"

by mrmalfoyswifey October 21, 2021

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Self Execution

Modern terminology for taking your life. With a psychological overtone in which makes one think more about the act. Which in some cases is all that's needed. "Change a mindset change a life."
"Suicide is a permanent answer to a temporary problem."

"Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem."
Suicide is neither an answer nor solution if it was the ones you left behind wouldn't be in trauma and pain.
Killing your self is SE Self Execution and the act will always be greater than the cause.

SE Self Execution
The scope and goal of every mental health origination
Is to give the mentally ill hope and improve their situation.
Yet even with all their training, recovery groups and pills,
there's always the ones self punishment kills.
Suicides continue every second of each day.
I believe it's because we look at it the wrong way.
For most don't realize the true nature of this beast
and the legacy of pain it leaves after it's feast
I've been to that brink I've been in pain,
and the actions I did bordered insane.
Luckily I'm still here be it random or grace
Hopefully I'll leave something time won't erase.
Want to make a difference want to give to mankind
just a new mindset could be the right path to find.
Many have said SE sounds like a bad thing to say.
How many lives could it save if we explained it this way?
My heart goes out for all the Victims of SE
Hopefully this can make some change in casualties we see.

Bills self execution was traumatic to all his loved ones leaving some with the mindset to take the same dark path.
The fireman and other first responders who cared for Bills mortal remains were in shock from his SE never before had they saw a human body in such a mess. The coroner decided Bill had laid in his apartment at least three weeks before he was found by his daughter.

by Stantasyland February 19, 2018

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liquid self

a person without a permanent identity.

Today it is impossible to be not only a liberal or communist, but also black lesbian middle class living in Ohio - each of us has to deal with liquid self. For such a person, any repression of the language - no matter how well-intentioned it was not dictated by - it's just an obstacle in the way of rebuilding itself daily. Anyone who wants to build a unique, albeit liberal world, pose a threat to me as an unsteady being, which today can be boorish dork, tomorrow - a humanist, and after tomorrow - an ashtray with elements of BDSM. (ั) Anatoli Ulyanov

by Vacuole_Jo April 5, 2015

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