Mod in every Discord server, toe enthusiast.
Term to describe someone with a massive Ego.
Jade is a girl with a fat juicy ass! With of course a heart of gold. When you see Jade walking down the street watch out! Her sexy ass might cause a accident!
Did you see that sexy girl over there?
Yeah that’s jade! She’s got a fat ass!
She is the sweetest, cutest, most loving person you'll every meet. Hahaha shes not a person.....shes a cat
Hot person who simps a lot. Super gorgeous. Whoever doesn’t like her back is stupid. Smartest person alive. Pretends to snort paint. Overall amazing human being 10/10 recommended to be her friend.
An idiot that is asian but sucks at math and needs to go back to kumon
Wow that person dumb they must be named Jade
Person A: Dude, have you heard of Jade?
Person B: Wait do you mean Jade Jade?
Person A: Yeah, I know!
Person B & A: Icky EWWW!!!!
a girl who’s very supportive, kind and smart but also can be a back stabber to those that annoy her. she got an alright sense of humour and is known to be popular but overall is a good person to be friends with