Source Code

Indiana Jones

to be "jonesin' for" or have a really intense need to go to Indiana

Playa I'm sick of hangin' out in Ohio...I got serious Indiana jones.

by Nick D February 13, 2003

20πŸ‘ 68πŸ‘Ž

molly jones

the wife of desond who likes to sing obladi obla da life goes on

a couple kid running in the yard of desmond and molly jones obla di obla da by the beatles

by beatle chick123 July 10, 2011

6πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Terry Jones

Terry Jones is a boss dawg popcorn playa playa who takes no shit from no one. Also the ruling King of Union City Georgia where he straight runs the hood. An ass beating pistol toting killa who was born on 2 wheels riding a wheelie at 160mph while smoking a blunt of og killa kush. Don't fuck with him he will kill you and take yo girl.

Hey man who do you think you are you can't just cut in line and grab my girls ass and take my phone!😒 I'm mother fucking Terry Jones and I do what I want bitch.

by The Chief Chiefer February 23, 2022

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magillicutti jones

The need, or jones, for anything related to magillicutti.

I gots me a wicked K-Rock magillicutti jones!

by Bill Hendrick July 27, 2006

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Conner Jones

Ugly, retarded, small, fat and annoying.

Not usually liked, is not a lady’s man
And loves booty, if u come across a Conner jones run for your life.

OH SHIT, it’s a Conner jones run!

by Conner jones hater May 1, 2018

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Davy Jones

A man who has tried once, and then given up completely with woman.

"We should hook him up with one of your friends."

"No can do. He is the new Davy Jones."

by Mark Fizz March 6, 2010

9πŸ‘ 27πŸ‘Ž

scram jones

Scram Jones n, adj.

1) A straight up hoe
2) A dirty slut that tries to get with you and all your friends
3) A girl that is straight up busted. Usually suffering from butterface, obesity, or shovel-syndrome.

Dude 1: You're hanging out with her?
Dude 2: Ya.. why
Dude 3: That girl is straight up scram jones.

Girl: Hey boo,
Playa: Get off my nuts, scram jones

Playa: Yous a scram jones!

by Mikey J in the 508 March 7, 2007

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