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love is something that can make or break a person. Love can be a passion and want and caring about someone of the opposite sex(most of the time). or love can be described as a motherfuckerwhen the one you love most shoots you down...either way love is an amazing, affectionate feeling for one another and is when two people are constantly thinking about each other, miss them right after there with them... and love is when one would do anything, including taking a bullet, for the person they care about the most

the boy loves the girl.
love is a motherfucker.
love is an amazing feeling

by austin L December 11, 2005

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A word a man uses daily to get in a young ladies panties.

This word is supposed to be a powerful, beautiful meaning, deep, passionate word, but if you wanted it short and simple you might as well say sex. & If your a woman , and stupid enough to believe it after a day, you're just a bad excuse for being a whore.

Woman: "OH HONEY, I love you!"
Man: "K me too..Wanna have sex?"
Woman: "Uh, sure.."
Man: "Remember I love you, Britney!"
Woman: "My name is not Britney.."
Man: "Uh...APRIL FOOLS!!!!..? Now let's have some good old fashioned sex!"

by tu madre & padre December 14, 2009

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When you have so many feelings for a person that you would do anything for them.

I love you more than you will ever believe

by loveisdeath123 March 22, 2017

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*love is when you dont want to go to sleep bacause reality is better than a dream* *love is like quick sand {the further you fall in the harder it is to ge t out}* *the worst way to miss someone is to know that they are rite next to you but you cant have them*

<that love so you haters can shut up>

i love you with all my heart xxx

by BENzamin1 February 16, 2007

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The shit that don't come looking for my ass but yet I'm steady out here tryna find it

Johnny thought he had found love bit he only had found a thot

by Shelovesdaddy February 19, 2017

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an overrated word that simply means , giving your all to someone knowing they gon break you in the end but you still have some hope that this time it’ll be different. then they cause you pain. that’s what love means. pain.

damn i thought he loved me
he made me feel numb
i thought i was okay

by teensarebasic December 30, 2020

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Love is a violent but gentle creature, it can attack fast and hard or slow and gentle. Love is the sweetest thing in the world and for some its overpowering. love is everywhere and in everyone it is the most powerful thing in the world, able to bring 2 people together and never let go

Guy 1# :damn i just felt a blow of love from Cinthia
Guy 2#: dude you should totally go after her

by LOVE HANDLER December 4, 2016

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