Source Code


Slang Meaning Good or cool, Comes From The Dungeons And Dragons Campaign Setting "Red Steel", Where Wheel-Lock Guns are Rare and Only Carried and Used By the Rich and The Famous (or Infamous).

Person 1: "Yo! I Finally Got A New Stereo Put In My Car"
Person 2: "Really? That's Wheel-Lock"
Person 1: "Yeah, Totally Wheel-Lock"

by Ibble February 27, 2005

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Locked It Up

To become involved in a violent altercation.

They was walkin down the hallway talkin smack and they locked it up!

by Pinky C 918 August 15, 2007

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zip lock bag

The epitome of all that is weak and most certainly does not keep it fresh. Per common knowledge, a zip lock lock bag looks useful but only really keeps things fresh for a matter of minutes and serves an extremely limited purpose, and this jive ass turkey is no different.

guy 1: "You see Clyde over there, he really brings nothing to the table."
guy 2: "Yeah he's a zip lock bag if I've ever seen one."
guy 1: "word"


"That zip lock bag kept my fruit fresh for like 2 hours. These strawberries look like they fucked Eli Whitney's cotton gin. F zip lock bags bro."

by The Earthquakes February 5, 2012

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door lock fucker

A person who inserts their penis into the keyhole of a door in an attempt to unlock the door, or for pleasure.

Tom: Man I never thought Steve was a door lock fucker.
Oliver: Yea he was riding that thing hard.
Melinda: I think he was locked out though.

by Woojoe7 February 18, 2010

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Pop Lock and Slop

When a chick sucks dick with pop rocks in her mouth.

Those poprocks are dank but Iโ€™m gonna save some so Jessica can Pop Lock and Slop on my cock with them later.

by $w@gMoneyRecords January 1, 2021

Caps Lock Mode

When a person on a forum or chat room is either extremely excited or angry, they put on caps lock for more than 5 minutes. May also use many exclamation marks, making them an "exclamation whore" in "caps lock mode".

<Samantha1786>: Good god, would you get out of caps lock mode and type like a person who isn't on the internet for the first time in their lives?

by tendollarlameo July 14, 2011

cut my lock

to loose your virginity

james cut my lock on friday

by itssss me bitchhh May 5, 2018